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Fhathia Avisha
Fhathia Avisha Mohon Tunggu... a lifelong learner🌻
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Surprising Benefit of Jogging that You Must Know

8 Januari 2023   09:00 Diperbarui: 8 Januari 2023   09:29 368
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More recent evidence showed that intensity training programs appear effective in improving insulin sensitivity, in people at risk of, or with, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Insulin resistance was assessed using the homeostatic model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR). Mezghani et al reported that the insulin sensitivity and Homa-IR decreased in the three training groups (p < 0.01).

6. Promotes mental health and helps to improve well-being among older adults

Study results conducted by yang et al showed that walking and jogging were significantly, positively correlated with the subjective well-being of older adults ( p <0.01). Jogging can relieve mental tensions, eliminate brain fatigue and tension and consume calories to control weight.

7. Significant decrement of intra-ocular perfusion pressure (IOP) and the increment of  ocular perfusion pressure (OPP)  for patients with primary open-angle glaucoma 

A randomized clinical trial showed that after regular jogging exercise lasting for 30 minutes in the morning for 3 months, the changes in the IOP level of the exercise group indicated a decreasing trend. So appropriate aerobic exercise is appropriate in treating glaucoma patients.

8. Reduces hopelessness among women admitted to psychiatric short stay unit following a suicide crisis

Participants in the brisk-walking/jogging group received two exercise sessions of 30 min separated by a time interval of 24 h compared with participants in the control group who did not receive the exercise intervention.  Findings showed significant differences between groups favoring women who exercised were observed in the score change of hopelessness.

9. Reduces the level of anhedonia in individuals with depression

In this study all participants in the Running group (RG) received 8 weeks of jogging and stretching training, respectively.  The RG experienced an increase in the level of arousal during anticipation of a future reward and recalled less negativity towards the loss condition. To conclude, physical activity is effective in improving anticipatory anhedonia in individuals with depressive symptoms.

10. Reduces the degree of Internet addiction and depression, improves sleep quality, and balances sympathetic parasympathetic function of college students with Internet addiction.

The investigation of Zhang et al showed that effects of 12-week physical exercise such as jogging in college students with Internet addiction could significantly reduce the degree of Internet addiction and depression, improve sleep quality, and balance sympathetic parasympathetic function, indicating that exercise-based intervention might be an effective way to alleviate or even eliminate Internet addiction.

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