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Fedro Afif Dasion
Fedro Afif Dasion Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Mahasiswa

Bachelor of International Relations student at University of Singaperbangsa Karawang, I am interested in Geopolitics, Foreign Policy political economy, political theory, and philosophy.




Considered The Reincarnation of Mao Zedong to Xi Jinping with The Return of Commmand Economy

24 November 2022   23:47 Diperbarui: 25 November 2022   00:16 417
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Considered The Reincarnation of Mao Zedong to Xi Jinping with The Return of Commmand Economy (edited by: edoooreo)

A. Xi Jinping was elected as president for 3 terms

Xi Jinping returned to power as president of China with a continuation of three terms after being re-elected as General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. After the convening of the 20th Chinese Communist Party (CCP) congress which took place in Beijing, China. President Xi Jinping also serves as chairman of the CCP's Central Military Commission. In that position, it means that Xi leads the police and military in China.

During these 3 periods, Xi Jinping believed that his country could create new miracles by implementing the government to continue to follow socialism with Chinese characteristics. This was made clear by Xi's speech at the opening of the 20th party congress yesterday, that China is moving in the opposite direction from liberalization. Obsessed with national security, he focused more on removing all ideological and geopolitical challenges than reform and opening up, the policies that brought China out of poverty. Xi used the term "new era" 39 times in his speech. He is proud of the achievements of the party under his leadership

Xi's position was strengthened by some of his loyalists, totaling 7 people in the Politburo Committee. One of them was the head of the Shanghai branch of the Communist Party, Li Qiang, who held the number two position on the committee. He is predicted to occupy the position of Prime Minister (PM) to replace Li Keqiang and strengthen Xi's policies.

In his speech, Xi stated that in his presidency over the past 2 terms, China was getting closer to 'national rejuvenation' and also strengthened its position on the world stage. However, he also warned of 'dark clouds and dangerous storms' in the future. In his speech, Xi stated that in his presidency over the past 2 terms, China was getting closer to 'national rejuvenation' and also strengthened its position on the world stage.

However, he also warned of 'dark clouds and dangerous storms' in the future. His speech provided important clues about the future direction of his leadership. Previously, there were fears that China would shut itself out of the world economy

Mao Zedong, the founding father of Communist China, once said, "Political power grows from the barrel of a gun."

After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, Mao ensured that it was the party that controlled the People's Liberation Army (TPR), not the state. Since then, the CCP leader has also become chairman of the Central Military Commission (KMP).

Xi was luckier than his predecessor, Hu Jintao, because he immediately became chairman of the KMP.

He also wasted no time and quickly eliminated the opposition within the armed forces.

The most shocking episodes occurred in 2014 and 2015, when former KMP deputy chairman Xu Caihou and former TPR general Guo Boxiong were accused of corruption.

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