They try to share their experiences, even from a distance. Partners can try to connect intellectually by reading the same book, for example (Aditi Mehrotra, 2022). Also, one of the benefits of LDR that makes your time valuable is how much the partner becomes closer in trying to make up for the loss that physical distance may cause. And there are many more benefits that you can get from having a long-distance relationship.
Moreover, if you want your long-distance relationship to work, the most important thing you have to do is communication. Communication is a way to share and change information between two people or more. Most long distance relationships fail because people don't make efforts, they don't engage their potential partners in their conversation.Â
This is one of the common reasons why most long distance relationships fail. Without effective communication, you will not be able to express yourself clearly, which will lead to confusion and misunderstanding. Constant misunderstandings will lead to fights, which will damage your relationship or at least make it very unpleasant. We can use technology to communicate with each other, technology and relationships are closely linked in today's times.Â
Pew Research reported, "24% of internet users with recent dating experience have used the internet or email to maintain a long-distance romantic relationship". For the couples in the long-distance relationship that can not always meet each other face to face, the communication process appears to be an important thing that helps the couples to stay feeling close to each other.Â
There is one more thing that makes such a relationship work -- share the relationship's goal or an end in sight. Psychotherapist Dr. Aman Bhonsle (Ph.D., PGDTA), who specializes in relationship counseling and Rational Emotional Behavior Therapy says, "Usually many LDRs suffer when they have no end in sight.Â
When there is no deadline tied to the distance. A relationship has to be indexed in a certain practicality, being under the same roof in the end". And the last is support from people around, especially family. It makes them believe that this relationship would be no matter even in a long-distance relationship. Those are some ways how to make your long distance relationship work.
Anyway there's uncertainty in every relationship, be it long distance, or a normal one. Therefore, one can't say that long distance relationships don't always work. Admittedly, the distance has both beneficial and negative aspects, but how the couples handle it through communication, always trust each other and share the relationship's goal, determine the maintenance and help to feel close in the long-distance relationship. So, each partner's efforts are a big part of a relationship working.
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