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Fathma Khairunnisa
Fathma Khairunnisa Mohon Tunggu... I'm an undergraduate student at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, majoring in English Education

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Grammar is a Pain? Tips to Ease the struggle

8 Januari 2025   20:01 Diperbarui: 8 Januari 2025   20:01 128
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Not a few of the people who learn English think that grammar is difficult to understand. This is evidenced by research conducted by (Tambunsaribu & Galingging, 2021), which resulted in 66% of respondents choosing grammar as the most confusing material, especially for students and college students. Several factors make it difficult for students to learn grammar, including a lack of basic understanding such as the function of subjects and predicates, confusion in understanding the differences in structure between the native language and the language being studied, demands or pressure both from oneself and the surrounding environment that requires being able and fluent in using English to cause mental fatigue, and the learning methods used are less interesting. 

Grammar plays an important role in communicating in English, especially when English is applied as a language to publish papers, in public, in the world of work, and others. In this article, the author will provide some tips that can help make it easier for you to learn grammar:

  1. Build strong intentions and reasons. If you learn grammar just because you think English is cool, then it is likely that you will stop and lose your enthusiasm for learning. Strong intentions and reasons can encourage you when you encounter difficulties that can discourage you. 

  2. Expand your vocabulary. To be able to learn grammar smoothly, of course, you need to increase your vocabulary so that it becomes easier to classify a word into a sentence. This can be done by reading more books in English and listening to English videos or movies. 

  3. Practice speaking and writing more. It is undeniable that the more practice, the more knowledge you have. Practice helps someone who is learning a new language to be able to filter out the right and wrong parts of communication, and can be stored in the memory in a longer term than just writing it down because practice is learning directly. 

  4. Having a study buddy. Some people feel more comfortable with studying alone, but some also find it more effective to have a study buddy because of the many benefits obtained, one of which is as an encourager, exchanging knowledge, and a practice friend to communicate, as well as a corrector. These tips can be adjusted to your learning method.

  5. Understand the basics of grammar. Some important components to know in learning grammar:

    1. Tenses. Learn the three basic tenses well, namely simple present, simple past, and simple future before learning complex sentence structures. These three modals can make it easier for you to learn grammar because tenses are the underlying time information of a sentence. 

    2. Part of speech. Understand the basic rules of word types based on their function before taking grammar into the more complex aspect of part of speech. Part of speech includes:

      • Noun: Examples include person, place, idea, and thing. Examples of "Apple", "Chair", "Cellphone", etc.  

      • Pronouns: pronouns are used as pronouns for nouns, which consist of personal pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, interrogative pronouns, relative pronouns, indefinite pronouns, then there are reflexive and intensive pronouns. 

      • Adjective: an adjective is a word that describes a noun, for example, age, color, size, opinion, type, purpose, physical quality.

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