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Fathiya Izzati Shahira
Fathiya Izzati Shahira Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

A first-year student in a Structural Grammar class.




The Beauty of Learning Grammar

9 Januari 2025   11:15 Diperbarui: 10 Januari 2025   07:34 99
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What's the initial thought which appears in your mind upon hearing the term "grammar"? Hard? Troublesome? But have you ever thought of grammar as being beautiful? Surprisingly, some individuals find studying grammar enjoyable and engaging. For instance, a Reddit user once expressed that grammar is the "fun part" (sannitabell, 2019). To be honest, I used to be one of those who thought grammar was complicated—until, in the middle of my studies, I realized that something I disliked could hide something so exquisite. Let me tell you why I changed my mind and now believe that grammar is majestic (a real feeling).

Grammar Will Make You Feel Like You Can Conquer the World

By being something so challenging, learning grammar will boost your confidence in both writing and speaking, especially in formal settings like presentations, debates, or interviews. Those formal settings are one of many ways for someone to make a name in this world. Also, isn't it true that when you excel in such situations, you're capable of achieving even more? Confidence serves as a cornerstone for personal growth, success, and meaningful interactions. In an era of fierce competition, confidence allows individuals to stand out, self-assurance helps convey competence and professionalism.

By understanding the function of grammar itself, you can see right through things that were supposed to be hard. Grammar provides a structured system of rules and principles that govern how words and sentences are formed, ensuring clarity and effectiveness in communication. Using proper grammar demonstrates attention to detail and competence, which enhances your credibility in academic, professional, and personal communication.

A literature reviews implied that the connection between confidence along with English language is complex. It also indicates that learners tend to feel confident during the language learning process and can communicate effectively without the need to feel anxious (Yousefabadi & Ghafournia, 2023).

Who wouldn't want to be perceived as someone credible and reliable? Perhaps it's time to give grammar a chance to become an essential part of your life.

Grammar Will Help You Maintain Your Relationship

This is one of the hidden truths of grammar that many of us haven't realized yet: grammar is one of the keys to building a relationship. Grammar helps ensure your message is understood as intended. Proper sentence structure, punctuation, and word usage reduce ambiguity and make communication more effective. Grammar also provides the foundation for creative expression by offering flexibility within rules, allowing writers and speakers to experiment with style, tone, and meaning.

Why am I so sure about that matter? Well, since I started paying more attention to the grammar, I use in both speaking and writing, my relationships with other people feel like they are growing stronger day by day. Aren't you interested in building a strong relationship with someone you love? Look at this example below to understand what I'm saying about how grammar can hold your relationship together:

"I never said I don't love you." vs. "I said I love you."

Proper grammar can save lives—literally—since ambiguity can lead to misunderstandings in relationships, and trust me, you don't want that to happen.

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