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Farah Aulia
Farah Aulia Mohon Tunggu... mahasiswa sastra inggris UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

saya adalah seorang yang tertarik terhadap dunia fotografi dan juga kuliner. Hobi saya adalah memasak serta mengabadikan momen-momen yang ada disekitar saya.



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Internship as A Photographer at The Faculty of Adab and Humanities UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung as A Place to Express Interests and Talents

6 September 2024   20:48 Diperbarui: 6 September 2024   20:53 93
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Photography, I guess it is not such uncommon thing in our ears. I bet it is such things that a lot of people have already known and heared of it. So have I, I have been knowing about the terms 'photography' for ages to be exact since I'm fond of capturing a lot of moments that happen in my life, specificly memorable moments with a camera. What is actually photography? I will let you know. So the photography is the art of capturing light and also creating images by using camera. For your information, photography can be done electronically by using an image sensor or chemically using light sensitive material like photographic film.

So in this writing, I will share one of memorable stories in my life about photography. I am Farah Aulia Dewi as one of the students of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung to be exact in English literature major, will tell you of my photography journey in my college.

   It began when there was an announcement in my college's Instagram account about an open recruitment that was conducted by the management of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, which in need of a photographer for the needs of the faculty events. Fortunately, I was accepted from the interview and became one of the interns in faculty of Adab and Humanities in UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, I guess it would be a great chance for me so that I have to make the most of it. At the same time that chance can be converted into course credits. The internship took place in June until August of 2024.

During the internship period, I was accompanied by my partner that was accepted as well as a photographer in that faculty, named Gibran. We had a lot of fun while having a jobdesk capturing every moment from some events. For further information, this faculty's program is aimed at students who are indeed interested in studying and learning about creative and multimedia fields. There are also provided several vacancies available including photo and video editor, journalist, videographer, and podcast crew. I chose photographer in case I am interested the thing when it comes to photography and I have an urge to improve my skill in photography, capturing every moments which can be an artistic medium which allows me to express my perspective on the world.

While the periode of internship, I have had several jobdesks done. For instance, documentation of lecture evaluation meeting and final exam preparation. In this jobdesk, I was assigned to capture documentation in the form of photos when the lecturers were giving speeches about the preparations for entering 5th semester also what needs to be considered and required in this odd semester. The event was continued with the evaluation session of the performance of the lecturers of the English department of the facultyof adab and humanities and the speech of the rector of UIN Sunang Gunung Djati Bandung.

by Farah Aulia
by Farah Aulia

Next activities was photographing and documentation the graduation ceremony activities. I would say that this moment was such a memorable moment for me while being in internship period. I was assigned to capture the moment of the students being graduated for college after mostly had been studying around four years in UIN Sunang Gunung Djati Bandung and in the end they managed to complete their final assignment. The smile of happiness can be seen on their face on their happy day.

by Farah Aulia 
by Farah Aulia 

Next activity is I was assigned to capture the documentation for the purposes of the Faculty Adab and Humanities social media. In this jobdesk, I needed to capture some pictures about the campus facilities, let's say lecture rooms, reading gardens, multimedia rooms, faculty rooms, lecturer rooms, faculty halls and many more. Later, all of these pictures will be required dan used as a content material for social media (Instagram) of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities.

by Farah Aulia
by Farah Aulia

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