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Indonesia's Public Policy Through Cultural Diplomacy with The Spread of K-Wave (Hallyu)

10 Januari 2024   23:26 Diperbarui: 24 Januari 2024   09:09 145
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The phenomenon of K-Wave or Hallyu, which is a wave of South Korean culture that has spread widely in the world including Indonesia, K-wave has also become a significant global force. K-Wave is not only limited to the music industry, but also extends to movies, dramas, fashion, food, and more. The positive impact of K-Wave is widely recognized, however, Indonesia as a country with a large market faces various challenges in managing its influence. Therefore, there is a need for appropriate public policy to optimize the benefits and respond to the potential negative impacts of the spread of K-Wave in Indonesia.

Public policies according to Dr. Taufiqurokhman are decisions that are binding for many people at a strategic or outline level made by public authorities. The scope of public policy studies is very broad because it covers various fields and sectors such as economics, politics, social, culture, law, and so on. In addition, it can be seen from the hierarchy, public policy can be national, regional or local such as laws, government regulations, presidential regulations, ministerial regulations, regional / provincial government regulations, governor's decisions, district / city regulations, and regent / mayor decisions.The definition of public policy is so broad that in defining it depends on which side we understand it.  (Taufiqurokhman, 2014).

Indonesia in its relationship with South Korea has implemented its public policy in the form of cultural diplomacy, diplomacy carried out can encourage the Indonesian Wave in the Asian region starting from South Korea, not to be left behind also with the participation of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) and the International Development Cooperation Fund Institute (LDKPI), Indonesia is also making its efforts in responding to the k-wave that has spread so widely in Indonesia and has changed many aspects of the lives of Indonesian citizens, that is why Indonesia conducts its public policy by means of diplomacy through culture, which has been carried out in South Korea through the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) and also the International Development Cooperation Fund Institute (LDKPI).

There are many efforts made to diplomacy of Indonesian culture in South Korea such as the Indonesian Culture House program which began in 2007 until now, which with the existence of the Indonesian Culture House in South Korea aims to introduce Indonesia to the South Korean people who do not know Indonesia and the culture that exists in Indonesia, because many of the South Korean people do not know about Indonesia even though Bilateral relations between Indonesia and the South have been running for a long time. then there is the Indonesia Center which was first inaugurated at the Busan University of Foreign Studies (BUFS) which is a collaboration of Indonesian and South Korean culture in 2022 which the Indonesia Center is also a form of cooperation between the Indonesian Embassy in Seoul and BUFS. The process spent in its establishment is 6 months, Gamelan training at the Indonesian Embassy for South Korean students who certainly introduce Indonesian traditional musical instruments to students in Korea, Indonesian culinary festivals that aim to introduce traditional foods or Indonesian specialties to the Korean people, Garuda Indonesia Travel Fair as a promotion of tourist destinations in Indonesia besides Bali, because as we know that Indonesian nature is very rich and diverse with natural beauty that is not inferior to popular tourist attractions in the world, and there are many more efforts made to introduce Indonesian culture. Which is expected to be like K-wave which is spread not only in one country but also known by the world, these efforts are also a response made to minimize the negative impact that occurs with the entry of Korean Wave in Indonesia. 

Of course, the public diplomacy carried out by Indonesia using cultural aspects has advantages and increases the positive image of Indonesia in the eyes of the South Korean people.

Some efforts or steps that might be taken to respond to the k-wave:

1. Local Creative Industry Development:

The Indonesian government realizes the importance of supporting and developing local creative industries in order to compete with the K-Wave. A number of steps were taken to achieve this goal. First, financial incentives were provided to Indonesian creative industry players, including music, film and performing arts. This support includes grants, low-interest loans, and creative funding programs.

Second, improving infrastructure that supports the production and distribution of local content. The government is committed to building recording studios, film production centers, and performing arts facilities.

2. Media Content Regulation and Supervision:

The Indonesian government recognizes the importance of proper regulation to oversee media content, especially entertainment and educational content. Clear standards are set to ensure that content entering and disseminating in Indonesia is in line with local values. In addition, strict supervision is carried out to prevent content that damages public morality and ethics.

This policy covers the monitoring of music, drama, and movie content entering Indonesia. The government is committed to working with the media industry to ensure that content produced in Indonesia also meets applicable ethical and morality standards.

3. Youth Empowerment and Entrepreneurship:

The Government of Indonesia recognizes the important role of youth in responding to the spread of the K-Wave. To this end, youth empowerment and support for entrepreneurial initiatives in the creative industry is a priority. Training, business funding, and mentorship programs are provided to youth interested in engaging in the music, film, and performing arts industries.

In addition, the government also supports the formation of creative communities that allow youth to share ideas and experiences. These steps are taken to ensure that the younger generation has an active role in creating content that reflects Indonesia's cultural values.

By implementing these policies, it is expected that Indonesia can capitalize on the positive influence of K-Wave while maintaining cultural diversity and local values by building local creative industries, regulating and monitoring media content & empowering youth and entrepreneurship. With these measures, Indonesia is expected to capitalize on the positive impact of the K-Wave to enrich and strengthen local culture. A balanced approach will make a meaningful contribution to the development of creative industries and cultural sustainability in Indonesia.

K-Wave, or Korean Wave, refers to the phenomenon of globalization of South Korean culture involving the export of pop culture, such as television dramas, movies, music and fashion. Although it is primarily a part of the entertainment industry, the K-Wave also has links to international relations through several aspects.

1. Cultural Diplomacy: K-Wave acts as a tool for South Korean cultural diplomacy. The popularity of Korean dramas, K-Pop, and movies has created a global interest in Korean culture. Countries use these elements as soft diplomacy tools to build a positive image and increase understanding between countries.

2. Soft Power: The concept of soft power refers to a country's ability to influence and attract others without using military or economic power. K-Wave became one of the most successful examples of the application of soft power, allowing South Korea to increase its influence at the global level and strengthen international relations.

3. Public Diplomacy: Global interest in K-Wave has opened the door for more effective public diplomacy. Cultural events, concerts, and K-Wave promotions can be platforms for strengthening bilateral relations and building intercultural bridges between different societies.

4. Tourism: The influence of K-Wave on the tourism industry cannot be ignored. Many fans of K-Pop and Korean dramas are becoming tourists creating a significant flow of international tourism. This is not only

5. National and Global Identity: K-Wave can also shape the perception of a country's national identity in the eyes of the world. A positive perception of K-Wave can enhance a country's positive image in the international arena, thus opening up opportunities for more cooperation and exchanges with other countries.

6. Challenges and Controversies: While K-Wave provides positive benefits, its influence can also pose challenges and controversies. Cultural acceptance can differ in different countries, and in some cases, can create cultural tensions or controversies regarding the representation of Korean culture.

7. Creative Industries and Creative Economy: K-Wave has not only created an impact in the entertainment sector, but has also influenced the growth of the creative economy. South Korea's film, music, fashion, and technology industries are increasingly recognized and contribute to international economic growth. 

Thus, the K-Wave has a significant influence in international relations through cultural diplomacy, the use of soft power, the formation of national identity, and its impact on the economy and tourism. This phenomenon shows that popular culture can be an important force in shaping the dynamics of relations between countries in the era of globalization.

Hi perkenalkan saya Faisal Hasibuan dari Program studi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional dengan akreditasi "B" angkatan 2022, saya berkuliah di Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta yang berakreditasi "B" alasan saya berkuliah di jurusan Ilmu Hubungan Internasional yaitu dari saya yang tidak suka dengan matematika, kemudian saya suka traveling yang mana hal tersebut menjadi alasan saya mengambil jurusan HI karena saya awalnya mengira di HI akan banyak melakukan pelajaran dan kegiatan diluar kampus, alasan saya berkuliah di UTY yaitu karena biaya yang cukup terjangkau dan karena di Jogja, Dosen favorit saya yaitu DPA saya Bapak Muhammad Ridha Iswardhana S.I.P, M.A karena belajar dengan beliau saya merasa santai dan mata kuliah kesukaan saya adalah Diplomasi karena saya mendapatkan nilai yang cukup bagus di mata kuliah tersebut.

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