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Nur Fadilla Mukhsin
Nur Fadilla Mukhsin Mohon Tunggu... Penulis/Novelis/Freelance

My name is Nur Fadilla Mukhsin, I am an online media writer from Makassar State University. I have majored in English Literature. Several things made me choose to prefer writing, and for this medium I will upload one to two topics a week. I can write essays, poems, short stories, etc. As for the topic of content, I will do it freely.




The Master of Self

6 Desember 2022   08:33 Diperbarui: 6 Desember 2022   08:55 124
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Puisi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/

I am one who makes laziness my master.
Let it dominate and be in control.
Body, brain, senses, soul, swim in it and in the vastness of that power.
A hint of leaks, even I know.
There will be no end and no stop if I do not drown myself.
Letting the soul and body die, forming a new one.
The leak, until now I only know about it.
Stop, it doesn't work.
Now self is like a slave who loves his master.
Tortured by finger pointing, sliced by sinister eyes, pierced by thousands of words, "LAZY!!!"
The other members are the same age.
Swayed by hope and again the many words, "I HOPE!!!"
From the person who raised me.
It doesn't wake me up to take action.
This slave, does not want to be free even though she knows it will be bad.
Will this change someday.

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