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Nur Fadilla Mukhsin
Nur Fadilla Mukhsin Mohon Tunggu... Penulis/Novelis/Freelance

My name is Nur Fadilla Mukhsin, I am an online media writer from Makassar State University. I have majored in English Literature. Several things made me choose to prefer writing, and for this medium I will upload one to two topics a week. I can write essays, poems, short stories, etc. As for the topic of content, I will do it freely.




Collection of Acrostic Poetry Part II

21 November 2022   10:25 Diperbarui: 21 November 2022   10:47 95
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Everything you say to me, very sweet.

Everything you do for me, very impressive.

Like a prince you are seen by these eyes.

I am so onnocent if I spontaneously think that it's all love.

Nightmare, that's exactly what happened.

Gentleness is not always used by the heart.

Caption : 

He who gives hope or self too soon to hope. He acts as if we mean a lot to him which sometimes makes us unconscious. Making yourself not rely on logic that behavior does not always describe one's feelings. He who acts sweetly, he who speaks sweetly, may like us, may not have any feelings for us, or even hate us. Everyone can hide or convey feelings with the behavior they make. However, it is undeniable that this self is too weak in using the heart and does not think logically to control feelings. Hope only ends in a definite wound. And indeed the most correct is not to hope for anything even if it is very convincing. Of all things, whether he gives hope or himself too soon to hope, the truest thing is not to hope.

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