Hello everyone, do you know what acrostic poetry is? An acrostic is a stanza in which the first letter of each line represents a word, message, or alphabet. The following shows several acrostic poems with captions or poetry lyrics related to the acrostic poem itself.
Acrostic 1 (Adult)
Amazing, that's how we see adults when we are kids.
Deceptive turns out when we have experienced it for real.
Unacceptable because it is too heavy for us to carry.
Limping self is living it because of the difficulty.
Tempting when we were small and unwanted when we have got it that is adulthood.
Caption :
The word adult is still a mystery. There was a time when you really wanted it and then a time when you really didn't want it. Until finally the humans who were in the phase said "it wasn't that fun". Everything that is lived, always becomes a burden. It is undeniable, even small things can actually make the brain very full and very noisy.All these things, make the word adult becomes confusing.
Acrostic 2 (Noise)
Noisy, but is a fact that must be heard.