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Nur Fadilla Mukhsin
Nur Fadilla Mukhsin Mohon Tunggu... Penulis/Novelis/Freelance

My name is Nur Fadilla Mukhsin, I am an online media writer from Makassar State University. I have majored in English Literature. Several things made me choose to prefer writing, and for this medium I will upload one to two topics a week. I can write essays, poems, short stories, etc. As for the topic of content, I will do it freely.




The Other Side of The Soul

29 Oktober 2022   23:59 Diperbarui: 30 Oktober 2022   07:23 101
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Puisi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/

Beautiful little tired-eyed woman

Those who try to stay strong in the sea of life

When left in a brain space full of many things

Outwardly cute she wields a shield with full strength

Bitter sinks so deep into her body

Silent if empty noisy if crowded

Dark, gray, foggy, endlessly surround and string her

The low cry in her heart is so loud but not heard

Concerned that I barely glanced at her, saw her, did I ever try to understand her?

Herself and myself

I almost never try to always be with her. I never felt that I was playing with her, listening to her stories and voices.

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