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Ruang Kelas

Impoliteness Strategies Phenomenon in Communication

22 Agustus 2024   14:52 Diperbarui: 22 Agustus 2024   14:54 35
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Ruang Kelas. Sumber Ilustrasi: PAXELS

Communication is a key of relationships to be going harmonies,Whether it's for friends, family, partners, or people we just met. In communication there are limits to what we can say and what we should not say. If we violate and say things that should not be said, then that is when we commit impoliteness. 

Impoliteness is the use of language and behavior that deliberately aims to show disrespect, disregard, or hostility towards others. It involves actions or remarks that undermine social norms, challenge social relationships, or threaten someone's social standing or "face". What is face? face is to the social value or image that individuals want to project in interactions. Face is also divided into 2 faces, namely:

- Positive face : Individual's desire to be liked, admired, and accepted by others. 

- Negative face : Individual's desire for autonomy and freedom from imposition. 

Culpepper (1996) designed and developed the theory of politeness from Brown and Levinson (1987). Culpepper created 5 super-strategies:

1. Bald-On-Record Impoliteness: Directly confrontational or offensive language that disregards both positive and negative face concerns.

2. Positive Impoliteness: Strategies that threaten the recipient's positive face, such as using insults, sarcasm, or dismissive comments.
3. Negative Impoliteness: Strategies that threaten the recipient's negative face, such as making demands, issuing commands, or intruding on personal space. 

4. Sarcasm or mock Politeness: Using indirect language in a way that undermines or mocks the recipient's face.

5. Withhold politeness: Absence of politeness or responses when the situation need a politeness, example: when somebody says 'thank you' and the response is silence neither in facial expression and body language.

Impoliteness strategies can occur in any context where interpersonal communication happens. They are shaped by factors such as power dynamics, cultural norms, relationship types, and situational context. Understanding the potential for impoliteness across different settings can help individuals navigate and manage communication more effectively, whether aiming to mitigate impoliteness or address its impact.

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