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Travel Story

Ueno Park, Tokyo: Surrounded by Sakura Trees

23 Desember 2015   23:18 Diperbarui: 25 Desember 2015   08:42 61
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[caption caption="Sakura"][/caption]

I am sure everyone, who plan to come to Japan in Spring, must have targeted to have Hanami (sakura viewing) while they are there. Not for the whole journey but at least once in a city. Starting from Winter, you’ll see a lot of websites release Cherry Blossom calendar. We checked that too so it is normal. Usually Cherry Blossom period in Japan is at the end of March until the beginning of April. But the truth is it’s impossible to make a fix prediction because weather nowadays doesn’t have an exact pattern due to the climate change. Sometimes people get disappointed because of not-yet-blossomed sakura on their visiting period. Yet, maybe it’s all about luck and flexibility.

 [caption caption="Ueno Park"]


We were so lucky as we could enjoy sakura viewing on March 29th, 2015 at Ueno Park, Tokyo. It is the most popular park in central Tokyo. This park is easy to be found. Get off at Ueno Station then walked a bit and you’ll find a lot of people walking and facing this park. Japanese families, Japanese couples, international tourists (like us) and many more.

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Since our arrival in Tokyo (March 27th, 2015), the weather wasn’t so cold anymore so we could put down our jackets and it’s a big deal. Enjoying our sushi that we bought from Tsukiji Fish Market on the bench was an awesome experience. The sushi was delicious and the sakura was beautiful. After we finished eating, we approached a pink sakura tree and started to take some pictures. Suddenly, a group of tourists came to the same tree. Guess what? An Indonesian tourist (we knew that she’s Indonesian because she spoke in Indonesian) started to pull the branch of sakura tree to take ‘selfie’ photographs. What the hell is that? She wanted to look like a pretty woman with Sakura beside her face? Truly, it isn’t normal except you are as tall as Yao Ming. Soon after that, a Chinese tourist followed her action. True travellers won’t do something impolite like that, right? Peace =)

 [caption caption="Ueno Park 2"]


If it is just about sakura viewing, what is that special thing here? You can enjoy sakura viewing everywhere in Tokyo, can’t you? Ueno Park has more than 1000 sakura trees lining at its central pathway and becomes one of the most lively cherry blossom viewing spots in Japan. Maybe it’s not too comfortable to walk in the middle of the huge crowd but sakura trees here has been the main reason why people around the world come to Japan.

[caption caption="Hanami"]



In Spring, you could see Japanese do hanami (花見) under the sakura trees. They brought carpet, lunch meals, tea or beer or sake and some also brought Shogi (Japanese chess).

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