“Always be yourself and never be anyone else even if they look better than you Because Real success is determined by two factors. First is faith, and second is action”
REKTOR sanggar literasi CSP [Cah_Sor_Pring]. REDAKTUR penerbit buku ber-ISBN dan mitra jurnal ilmiah terakreditasi SINTA: Media Didaktik Indonesia [MDI].
E-mail: bagusabdi68@yahoo.co.id atau khoeriabdul2006@gmail.com HP 081326649770
Assalamu'alaikum perkenalkan saya pengguna baru kompasiana,saya baru bergabung dan belum mengetahui lebih jauh tntang forum ini,jadi mohon bimbingannya :)
An ordinary man who loves writing and reading. An orthopaedic surgeon wanna be. A husband who loves his wife. Can't live without football.a coffee addict too.\r\nkindly invite me 27c44582 if wanna be my close friend..^_^