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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

The Definition, Cause, and Impact of Global Warming

4 Desember 2023   10:37 Diperbarui: 4 Desember 2023   10:45 66
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What is Global Warming?

Global warming refers to the long-term increase in Earth's average surface temperature, primarily due to human activities that result in the buildup of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere. temperature of the Earth has risen by 1C.

The global average temperature at the Earth's surface has increased by 0.74 0.18 C (1.33 0.32 F) over the last hundred years. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concluded that, "most of the increase in global average temperature since the mid-20th century is likely caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases resulting from human activities" via the greenhouse effect. However, there are still some scientists who do not agree with some of the conclusions put forward by the IPCC.

Causes of Global Warming

Rising global temperatures are expected to cause not only changes in precipitation amounts and patterns, but also other changes such as sea level rise and the intensity of extreme weather events. Other effects of global warming include the impact on crop yields, the disappearance of glaciers, and the extinction of many types of animals.

*  The Cause of Greenhouse Effect

- Earth's energy source is the sun, and most of this energy is in the form of shortwave radiation, including visible light. When this energy reaches the earth's surface, it changes from light to heat, thereby warming the earth. The earth's surface absorbs some of the heat and reflects the rest. Some of this heat is radiated into space in the form of long-wave infrared radiation. However, some of the heat remains trapped in the Earth's atmosphere due to the swelling of greenhouse gases such as air vapor, carbon dioxide and methane which absorb the radiation waves. These gases absorb and reflect waves emitted by the earth, causing heat to be stored on the earth's surface. This situation will continue to occur, and the global annual average temperature will continue to increase.

- Global warming is mainly caused by the greenhouse effect, greenhouse gases like Carbon Dioxide, Ozone, Methane, and Water Vapor play a crucial role.

*  Human Makes Pollution

Human activities have increased the usage of fossil fuel, deforestation, and industrial processes, all those actions produce substantial amounts of Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous oxide, and other greenhouse gases that traps heat and causing a warming effect on the planet.

Feedback effect

The causes of global warming are also influenced by various feedback processes caused by global warming. One example is water evaporation. In the case of global warming due to increases in greenhouse gases such as CO2, warming initially causes more water to evaporate into the atmosphere. Because water vapor itself is a greenhouse gas, heating continues until an equilibrium water vapor concentration is reached, thereby increasing the amount of water vapor in the air. The resulting greenhouse effect is very large when compared to CO2 gas itself.

Impact of global warming

Scientists study global warming using computer models of temperature, rainfall patterns and atmospheric circulation. Based on these models, scientists have made several predictions about how global warming will affect weather, sea levels, beaches, agriculture, wildlife ecology, and human health.

* Unstable Climate

- Climate is the average weather conditions covering a large area. Meanwhile, weather refers to the condition of the air in a small area at a certain time. Considering the impact of climate and weather, the drought has had a severe impact on their home region. Due to global warming, the Northern Hemisphere has become more unstable than the rest of the Earth. As a result, the icebergs begin to melt, and the land area becomes smaller. There is almost no floating ice anymore.

- Areas that previously had light snow will no longer have light snow. In subtropical mountain areas, temperatures tend to rise in winter and at night when there is little snow.

* Sea Level Rises

- When the ice at the pole's melts, the amount of sea water increases, causing sea levels to rise. During the 20th century, global sea levels rose by 10 to 25 cm (4 to 10 inches), and IPCC scientists predict that sea levels will rise by 9 to 88 cm (4 to 35 inches) in the 21st century.


*  Gramedia Blog. Pemanasan Global: Pengertian, Penyebab, Dampak dan Cara Mengantisipasi

*   GIAT DLH. Pemanasan Global Global Warming 

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