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Emi NurulWahyuni
Emi NurulWahyuni Mohon Tunggu... students

A student with an interest in writing, striving to improve my skills and broaden my knowledge. As a new writer, I am committed to learning and sharing thoughtful perspectives on a variety of topics. Through this journey, I aim to develop a deeper understanding of effective communication and contribute meaningful insights to my readers.




Exploring the Role of Discourse Analysis in Teaching Grammar: A Critical Approach to Language Proficiency

31 Desember 2024   14:40 Diperbarui: 31 Desember 2024   14:40 96
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Bahasa. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Jcstudio

Through discourse analysis, learners engage in the practice of identifying and producing grammatical forms within authentic contexts. This active engagement fosters grammatical competence, enabling them to recognize and apply grammatical features effectively in their writing and speaking. This practice will also promote a deeper understanding of how grammar influences clarity and coherence in communication. Moreover, when students engage with grammar in context, they will be able to deliver their knowledge to new situations (Mansouri & Yaghoubi Jami, 2019). By focusing on the application of grammatical knowledge in real-world scenarios, educators can help students develop the skills necessary for effective communication.

Collaborative Discourse Analysis

Encouraging students to work in groups to analyze discourse can promote peer learning and critical discussions about grammar. Working collaboratively can foster their understanding of how language is used, enabling learners to explore different perspectives and enhance their understanding of grammatical features in context. Studies have shown that collaborative learning environments enhance student engagement and improve language outcomes (Johnson & Johnson, 2014). By analyzing texts in groups, students can share insights and challenge each other's interpretations, leading to a richer understanding of grammar as it is implemented within discourse.

Assessment and Feedback

Implementing discourse analysis in grammar teaching can inform assessment practices by focusing on students' ability to apply grammatical knowledge in context. Teachers should provide feedback that emphasizes the connection between grammar and meaning to support learners refine their language proficiency. Black &  Wiliam (1998) suggested that formative assessment that prioritizes contextualized feedback will foster student performance. By investigating students' ability to use grammar effectively in real-world contexts, teachers can support their students' development as proficient language users.

By integrating discourse analysis into grammar instruction, teachers can offer a more comprehensive understanding of language that encourages students to navigate complex communicative situations. This approach not only improves grammatical accuracy but also fosters critical thinking and awareness of the social implications of language use. As we continue to explore innovative methods in language education, embracing the interplay between grammar and discourse will be essential for preparing students for effective communication in an increasingly interconnected world.

However, understanding the use of discourse in teaching grammar, however, is still insufficient for the teachers. They need a more detailed and clearer practical instruction to be applied to effectively implement this approach in the classroom. Therefore, as a guidance, some applicable steps were provided including the example of the materials that can be used. As elaborated below:

Introduction to Discourse: Teachers have to begin the class by introducing the students with the topic and explaining the objectives of the study. In this stage, teachers have to implement the scaffolding concept, in which the students are given support until they can individually apply new skills and strategies (Rosenshine & Simmons, 1993). Teachers start the lesson by explaining the concept of discourse (e.g. personal narratives) and discuss how the present perfect tense is often used to connect past experiences to the present. For example, you might say, "I have visited Bandung" to indicate that the experience is relevant now. Teachers can also take a newspaper as the form of discourse and ask the students about the use of passive voice on its title "New Park Opened by City Officials".

Analyzing a Text: In this step, teachers are supposed to provide students with a short personal narrative that uses the present perfect tense or newspaper that uses a simple form of passive voice. Students will read the text together and highlight the present perfect verbs (e.g., have traveled, have eaten, have gone, have bought), in newspaper they will highlight the use of passive voice (e.g, The festival was organized by local volunteers, The new library was built next to the park). After highlighting the tenses, the teacher will encourage the students to analyze why the author chose to use this tense and how it affects the meaning of the narrative and newspaper. The questions might be "What does this tense tell us about the timing of the experiences?"

Group Activity: To promote collaborative learning, students will be divided into small groups and give each group a prompt related to personal experiences (e.g., Share something you have learned this year, talk about a place you have visited). In their groups, students will brainstorm ideas and outline their narratives, focusing on using the present perfect tense. By doing this activity, teachers can evaluate their students' ability to use the grammatical rules that they have been taught.

Drafting the Narrative: Each group will write a short narrative based on their outline. Students will be encouraged to use a variety of present perfect verbs / passive voice, and to think about how their grammatical choices affect the clarity and engagement of their story. Remind them to consider their audience and the purpose of their narrative / newspaper.

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