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Elvin Miradi
Elvin Miradi Mohon Tunggu... -

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Surprise! Your Blog Needs to Dress Up, Too!

18 November 2011   00:05 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   23:32 53
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Kompasiana adalah platform blog. Konten ini menjadi tanggung jawab bloger dan tidak mewakili pandangan redaksi Kompas.
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Bagikan ide kreativitasmu dalam bentuk konten di Kompasiana | Sumber gambar: Freepik

It is often said that clothes make the man, and this is definitely true. If you don’t believe me, try dressing up in a large paper bag and trying to get a job interview. It just won’t work, and you’ll end up getting laughed at more than winning any points for creativity. It’s just better to make sure that you actually dress for any job that you want to get.

But wait a minute here: this isn’t about jobs, is it? No, not really, but the example leads well into the topic of getting a great theme for your blog.

Now, you might be thinking to yourself, “Hey, Elvin, my new WordPress blog already has a decent theme to it, so why should I even care?”

Here’s the answer: because the default theme looks the same on thousands of WordPress blogs. As a new blogger, there’s one rule that you need to make sure that you’re following: be different, no matter what! People flock to “different”, but they run screaming from “same”. If you are just like every other banana in the tree, you will not get visitors.

The key here is to get a unique theme that is also easy to navigate. Remember, we want to cater to visitors more than anything else in the world. So you don’t want to get a theme that will have clashing colors that will make it hard to see. In addition, you don’t want to get a theme where it’s hard to figure out where all of the navigation is. Clean and simple is best, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t express your own unique sense of style.

You might be wondering what makes a theme a “theme” in the first place. We’ll use WordPress as an example. You see, a general theme will do more than just look pretty. Indeed, it’ll work underneath the hood to ensure that you are displaying a beautiful “look” to all of your visitors. This will usually include a header graphic at the top of your blog, as well as the overall color scheme. Fonts and their sizes are part of a good WordPress theme’s domain. A theme also provides structure for your blog, as it tells where each “block” of your blog should go. Articles will be on one side, with navigation on the other.

If you’re ready to push forward, you will want to look for free WordPress themes online. There are thousands of great themes, which will mean that you need to do some digging in order to really find the theme that fits your site’s topic best.

Overall, the best way to really make your blog feel special and wonderful is to get a great theme for it. The right theme is just waiting for you, so why not get started today?

- This article is also published on

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