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Ruang Kelas

Utilizing AI to Improve Listening Skills through the Memrise Application

14 Oktober 2024   21:38 Diperbarui: 14 Oktober 2024   21:49 72
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6. Advantages and Disadvantages of Memrise


It is a fun and effective learning approach that uses mnemonics. There are a variety of courses and a variety of languages accessible. The ability to learn offline. To improve pronunciation, include video content from native speakers.


Because the main focus is learning vocabulary and phrases, it is not suitable for those who want to learn the language in depth. Official courses may not match the user's content.

7. Conclusion

Overall, Memrise is a very useful app for those who want to learn a foreign language in a fun and effective way. Memrise offers its users an engaging learning experience with its innovative features, such as scientifically based mnemonic methods and videos from native speakers. However, the app may need to be supplemented with a more intensive approach to learning a language thoroughly.

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