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Queen Foniks
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"When we write, we clarify our understanding and deepen our learning." About: - Language; English and Spanish - Short Story - Poetry - Book Review - Self Improvement Book.



Ruang Kelas

Penggunaan Negative Inversion dalam Cerita

22 Agustus 2024   14:53 Diperbarui: 22 Agustus 2024   14:56 44
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Never had i imagined that a simple online connection, could turn into something so meaningful, yet here I am, reflecting on a year-long friendship with someone special. No sooner had we met online then we clicked, sharing stories and experiences like old friends. But it wasn't until a year later that I finally gathered the courage to show him my face through a video call. 

Not only did he compliment my eyes, saying they were beautiful, but he also called me pretty. For a moment I thought maybe, just maybe, there could be something more between us. Seldom do I let myself get carried away with such thoughts, but his words lingered with me for days. Yet, little did I realize that after a week of video calls, the reality of our relationship would become clear. 

Never have I felt so certain that we are just friends. He didn't ask me to be his girlfriend, and I've come to understand that he might not be ready. No doubt if he wanted to take that step, he would have done so by now.  

In no way do I want to be in a relationship where we act like we're more than friends, yet we're not. Under no circumtances can i let myself get too close when the feelings are not mutual. So I've made the decision to stop communicating with him. 

By no means was it an easy choice, but it's the right one for me. Never again will I allow myself in a situation that blurs the lines between friendship and something more. It's time to move on and focus on what's best for me.

Hal penting:

1. Never had     : tidak pernah 

2. Not only : tidak hanya

3. Never have I : tidak pernah saya

4. In no way       : dalam hal apapun

5. By no means : tidak dengan cara apapun

  1. 1
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