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Prof. Hendry I. Elim
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Prof. H. I. Elim, a Simple Physicist with 3 main writing issues: [1]. Creative and Innovative Intellectual Educator; [2]. Freedom of Innovation works (Kerja Merdeka Berkreasi), and [3]. Amazing Natural Resources of Indonesia Archipelago. Prof. Elim is originally a creative, innovative, and disruptive Indonesia physicist .




Integrated Sciences and Math: Beyond Physical Breakthrough

12 September 2024   21:39 Diperbarui: 12 September 2024   21:44 223
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(Self-created picture) An Illustration of The understanding of a mystery of God unsearchable knowledge.

Integrated Sciences and Math: Beyond Physical Breakthrough

Prof. Hendry Izaac Elim

An Indonesia simple physicist

Pattimura university

In this brief intelligent understanding of something missing in universe, we would like to share our knowledge of the integration between sciences and math in order to explain God's mystery in His marvelous universe.

Most genius physicists during their outcome amazing works have shown how they discovered many sides of universe fundamental parts starting from the simplest logic to the most sophisticated technologies in this 21st century.

As a simple scientist, we saw how the perseverance actions in advancing physical sciences had triggered the improvement of sophisticated mathematics.

On the other hand, few distinguished smart mathematicians have invented many ways in showing logical understanding particularly associated with achieving their awareness about the nature around their environment of activities of life.


However, in our opinion, the incredible physics advancement has mostly injected the beauty of mathematical physics behavior of this unsearchable expanded universe. 

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