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Leni Achmari
Leni Achmari Mohon Tunggu...

breath, eyes, memory -- Edward Danticat.




A Droplet of Water

26 April 2011   17:11 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   06:22 98
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a droplet of water falling at a constant speed from the sky looking to find the ground to be unified with the others

a droplet of water

moving through the friction from the air

all energy is dissipated

but still it has some constant speed where has it gone? should I find? a droplet of water the more it takes the speed the more it experiences a drag and it can't exceed its maximum a droplet of water doesn't hurt anybody doesn't hit you much while it's stop moving because its potential has been taken from it a droplet of water will not stop looking for to find a way to get to you someday by: Panji Achmari

Physics is a basic scientific knowledge. Physics is not something "luxurious" or "scary". Physics is the simplest knowledge we need to describe of every phenomena happen everyday in our environment. Physics leads us to understand the process of Creation. Here is my friend's poetry. Inspirited from the nature, he tried to compose a poetry using his great knowledge in Physics. From this poetry, i realized that everything around us, even the simplest thing such as drop of water, there Physics beyond it.

Hopefully, there will be many students love Physics. Physics is not always about number and calculation, but there is also love inside the Physics, which showed in art and the beauty of words itself. Too good to be nice? Nope, we are a Physicist ;)

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