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Experience of Teaching English for Young Learners

13 Agustus 2022   06:05 Diperbarui: 13 Agustus 2022   06:29 669
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Pendidikan. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/McElspeth

Since I began to apply the job vacancy of English teacher in MI Tarbiyatussibyan, Boyolangu, at that time, I started to imagine my life further. How would my baby be without me? How would I be without her? How would I be when I start to teach? How would my students' behavior be after having me as their English teacher? Would they love English or vice versa, hate this subject? How would my house be without me? And so fort. A lot of questions suddenly appeared without any means. Furthermore, those questions arose when the annoucement of acceptance had been announced yet. Accordingly, we call it as an overthinking thought.

When the announcement of acceptance had been spread, I read my name was there, among the names of people who were accepted as the new employees in MI Tarbiyatussibyan. At that time, I felt I was in a very good mood. I was totally happy, because I had a chance to subserve myself for education in Indonesia, although in a very tiny scale.

Years ago, I heard what dumb people said about dedication. They said that teaching as an apprenticeship teacher did not guarantee anything. I also was so haughty, that my education level should not put me in a low education institution. But, time flies. Life gave me some learning to learn, to know, to understand, that this temporary life is not only talking about wealth, dignity and honor. It is more than it, that is focusing on what we can give, not focusing ourselves on what we can take. To have this learning, life taught me to pass some big obstacles, and let me fall several times. But what I got after that, was totally worth.

After leading my life as a new employee in MI Tarboy, I felt my life was brighter and better. The reason was because I could see some new faces of children, I could learn from their psychology, their attitude and their behavior. I also could learn English, my major expertise, with them. Thus, after teaching there, I opened back my book about English for Young Learners. Because their behavior, their needs, their method in learning foreign language are different to what children of upper age have than them.

I made some media, such as flash card, or sometimes we played some games, to boost and improve their vocabulary mastery, and song was not left behind. My first job for them was, to make them enjoy and love the teacher, then subject can be delivered properly. I also was very firm for the students who did not work their homework. When I called them to come in front of the class after I asked for who did not work the homework, I said to them who raised their hands thank you because they said the truth. Then, I said to them in a very low voice to prevent some violation and insecurity of them about their mistake. After they had confessed their mistakes, then I asked them for the consequence of doing that. Then, they agreed to come outside the class to finish their homework. The expectation of doing that was, the students would never repeat to forget the homework, they would recheck in details about the work before going to school. This discipline habit would give them some benefits in the future.

About my experience of leaving my baby with my hubby and my mother in law at home will be written later. Because time to teach approaches, I need to end this note just from here. Later, I hope I can write my other experinces again. Thank you for reading.

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