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Trisakti Institute of Tourism D4 Tourism Industry 2019



Ruang Kelas

Imbalance Beetween Location, Facilities and Price at Heha Sky View

17 Januari 2022   19:40 Diperbarui: 17 Januari 2022   21:37 162
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Ruang Kelas. Sumber Ilustrasi: PAXELS

Hallo, nama saya Eka Indah Yuliani biasa dipanggil Eka, saya adalah mahasiswi STP Trisakti yang beruntung mendapatkan beasiswa unggulan kemendikbud tahun 2019. Dikesempatan kali ini saya ingin mengajak teman-teman sekalian untuk mengetahui tentang "IMBALANCE BETWEEN LOCATION, FACILITIES, AND PRICE AT HEHA SKY VIEW".

Today's youth is hype about instagramable place that they could take a good picture for Instagram post. They compete to be the coolest and the famous by social media. Heha Sky View is a perfect place for taking a good picture for instagram or instagramable tourism place for tourist with mountain view, natural beauty of Yogyakarta and also beauty of sunset on mounteness area.
I have 3 sub part that I will present, location, facilities, and price at heha sky view.

Firstly, location of Heha Sky View at Jl. Dlingo-Patuk No.2, Bukit, Patuk, Gunung Kidul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. From Malioboro as far 18,8 KM takes 49 minutes to Heha Sky View and from Mbuluk Beach as far 45,5 KM takes 1 hour 4 minutes to Heha Sky View. 

Tourist could use a rent car at Yogyakarta that will pick you up in front of Lempuyangan train station, you could use driver service or not. And this place is located at the mounteness area that suitable with the name Heha Sky View and for enjoying beauty sunset. I recommend you to go there in the evening from 5PM until 6PM for get the beauty sunset view. The way to go there not that good so you have to carefully to ride or drive to Heha Sky View and do not forget it Heha Sky View is located at mounteness area.

Facilities of Heha Sky View are parking area for bus, elf/hiace, car, and motorcycle and there is also a guard parking but also the parking lot is crowded, paid photo spots are sky glass , sky balloon, reflecting pool, wall climbing, heha aeroplane, selfie garden, and garden selfie with some terms and condition, food court with street food concept that sell different drink or food from mineral water, soda, mocktail, etc., unique snack that will cathched your eyes until main meal while you waiting the beauty sunset or after taking a photos, live music, toilet, paid meeting room, bean bag area for enjoying the sunset and the view, musholla, and souvenir shop that you could find on the way to the exit and parking. 

In the Heha Sky View area is full with stairs surround the area, the point area far from the counter and to catch the parking area we have to uphill the stairs even the youth will tired especially oldster.

Lastly, Price that you spent at Heha Sky View.
*Entrance car 5K/unit, motorcycle 3K/unit, elf/hiace 5K/unit, bus 5K/unit
*Parking fee car 5K/unit, motorcycle 3K/unit, elf/hiace 25K/unit, bus 50K/unit
*Entrance  fee
-Monday until Thursday 10K/pax in the morning from 10.00 WIB until 16.00 WIB but 15K/pax in the evening from 16.01 WIB until 21.00 WIB,
-Friday 10K/pax in the morning from 10.00 WIB until 16.00 WIB but 20K/pax in the evening 16.01 WIB until 21.00 WIB,
-Saturday 15K/pax in the morning from 09.00 WIB until 16.00 WIB but 20K/pax in the evening from 16.01 WIB until 21.00 WIB, and
-Sunday 15K/pax in the morning from 08.00 WIB until 16.00 WIB but 20K/pax in the evening from 16.01 WIB until 21.00 WIB.
*photo spots fee start from 10K/pax/2 minutes until 30K/pax/2 minutes.

At Heha Sky View we have to pay more to get more, people will confused if they have paid in the counter but have to pay more for taking a picture with limited time and picture. They have to pay again for one spot and pay against for another spot. The food court is not that good. The only strength that Heha Sky View have is instagramable paid photo spots building.

In conclution, Heha Sky View is the good place for tourist that want to spend more money for a good spot photos but not for tourist that spend limited money for holiday because photo spots has been built on the edge of the hill and covered the sunset view for taking a free picture.

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