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Trisakti Institute of Tourism D4 Tourism Industry 2019



Ilmu Sosbud

Memandu tentang Ramayana dalam Bahasa Inggris

28 Oktober 2021   08:00 Diperbarui: 28 Oktober 2021   08:02 813
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Hello mike, Do at the back hear my voice clearly? Good evening ladies and gentlemen, are you still exited for our tour today?

Rama and Shinta Story

Right now I wanna tell u about rama and shinta story. The story of them is a part of the heroic story called as "Ramayana" composed by Walmiki. Even the original version from india, several cultures from Indonesia inspiration by this famous love story. Rama and shinta performance are displayed at prambanan temple complex, Yogyakarta. In addition, the kechak Ramayana dance is regulary held on uluwatu beach at bali and being one of the most popular tourist destination. The romantic atmosphere is supported by performance in open place, by the sea and the sunset. Ramayana story has been translate into many languages. Until then, Ramayana have several version.

Prince Rama

Rama is a masculine incarnation of god. He called as the prince of the greatest kingdom on earth, that known as kosala. The name Rama means like this. Meaning or RA is positive vibration, and MA is negative vibration. Therefore rama is a mantra that symbolized loyal and harmony. Rama also upholds righness and virtue in every that he does.

Princess Shinta

Shinta is a princess that destined for rama. Both of them fell in love on the first sight. Shinta gives off an aura all wordly virtue, whick include fertility, change, patience, extraordinary beauty, and surrender. Her love is kind that devinde the destiny, which this destiny make her in to the love story with rama.

Cinta Rama dan Shinta

Kedua kekasih ini akhirnya menikah dan berjanji untuk saling mencintai satu sama lain. Mereka bersumpah cintanya kekal hingga akhir zaman. Namun, setelah menikah, Rama dibuang ke hutan selama sisa hari-harinya. Rama selalu memikirkan Shinta, dan mengedepankan kesejahteraannya jauh lebih penting dari apapun dan siapapun di dunia ini.

Bersama-sama, Rama dan Sita menjelma sebagai Wisnu dan Lakshmi. Rama adalah inkarnasi Wisnu, dan Sita adalah penjelmaan Laksmi. Wisnu dan Lakshmi adalah pelindung alam semesta. Ini berarti bahwa penyatuan Rama dan Sita lebih dari sekedar pernikahan biasa.

Love Story of Rama and Shinta

This two lover finally married and promise to love each other. They sweat that them love will last until the end of time. However, after married, rama was throwed to the forest for rest of his days. Rama always thinked about shinta, and put her welfare more than anything or anyone in this world. Together, rama and shinta incarnate as Wishnu and Lakshmi. Rama being wishnu and shinta being Lakshmi. Wishnu and Lakshmi ar the perotector of the universe. This means the union of rama and shinta more than just ordinary marriage.

Shinta's Kidnapping

Like a poetry and epic love story, Rama and shinta's journey full of obstacle that can not to be solve. They face every kind creatures and situation that doesn't support at all. Then, both of them could handle it like trutly heroes in hindu mythology. While at the exile at the forest, one of biggest challenge that rama have to went through was shinta's kidnapping by rahwana, the devil's king. The devils king wants shinta being her wife. But, shinta firmly refused, until rahwana patience almost finished and planned to kill shinta. 

Fortunately, rahwanas bad intentions can be prevented by trijata. Short story, hanoman, the cunning king of monkey, succeed to help rama to save shinta. But, at first rama refuse and asking bout shinta's holiness while in the alengka kingdom. After that rama want some proving of her holiness, that is burn her self. The god of fire save her from the fire, because of her thrutness and holiness ore proven. In the end, rama and shinta were able to be together against and come back to ayodha palace and lead the country.

Lesson to be Learned 

Every character that rama and shinta meets and situation at every meets teach us valuable life lesson. The massage that we could learned is value and obligation to respect, love, and take care of someone that we loved. And of cours uphold virtue with any chance.

Well ladies and gentlemen you have 10 minutes for take a photo before we go to the next object. We will met again at here 10 minutes again. See you. Babay.

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