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Trisakti Institute of Tourism D4 Tourism Industry 2019



Ilmu Sosbud

Memandu dari Mendut sampai Yogyakarta

27 Februari 2021   22:13 Diperbarui: 27 Februari 2021   22:35 88
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

good morning ladies and gentlemen, do you still exited for our tour today?
so ladies and gentlemen, do not know do not love, so let me introduce my self first my name is eka indah Yuliani, you can call me eka and I am being your guide from trisakti tour and travel for accompany your tour today. So if u need something you can call me.

candi mendut
so ladies and gentlemen as you know now we are leaving candi mendut or mendut temple is buddhis temple with 26,4 mters height and 48 stupa and now we will go to Yogyakarta. Well ladies and gentlemen of course u have took a picture and bought some souvenir at there isn't it? At candi mendut you have seen decoration like alternating decorations carving of heavenly beings like dewata gandarwa, aspara or angel, two monkeys and one garuda. At two side of stairs have some relief a history of pancatantra and jataka. At temple wall had many relief. And at centre temple have big three archa Buddha there are dhyani Buddha wairocana, awalokiteswara, and wajrapani.

well ladies and gentlemen, called as candi mendut because now we are at mendut area. This area is one district of magelang city. This area known as culinary centre starting from Javanese food until not. There is some traditional snack from mendut called as kue mendut.. This snack have a sweet taste, pandan smell, and have a chewy and sticky texture. Because this snack made from glutinous rice flour mixed with coconut milk as the outer and coconut scarf mixed with brown sugar at the inside and wrapped with banana leaves and steamed for 30 minutes.
except culinary, at here famouse with rafting too.

well ladies and gentlemen magelang city is one city of middle java province. Anniversary of magelang city on april 11th on 907 so now 1114 years. This area have 16 square kilometers large with 3 district and 17 sub district. With more than 130.000 life. Have 6 religion, the majority is islam with 80% and another is Kristen protestan, katolik, hindu, budha and kong hu chu. Majority tribes at here is Javanese with java language but still Indonesia languages being the official languages Magelang also have traditional food like mangut lele. This food made from cathefish with yellow soup and milk coconut mixed with mashed some spices that give a sensational tasty and spisy. But this food need take a time for cooking like 1 until 2 hours to make the spices permeated perfectly.

well ladies and gentlemen now we are at sleman that is one district of daerah istimewa Yogyakarta province. Anniversary of sleman on may 15th on 1916 so now 105 years. This area have 578 square kilometers large with 17 district and 86 sub district. With more than 1.100.000 life. Have 6 religion, the majority is islam with 88% and another is Kristen protestan, katolik, hindu, budha and kong hu chu. Majority tribes at here is Javanese with java language but still Indonesia languages being the official languages. Sleman also have nickname or called as kota salak pondoh. Also at here famous with buah salak. So ladies and gentlemen I bring some buah salak for you. So you can try this. Mr lino as the tour leader can help me to share this snack to another. Thak you mr lino. This fruit have sweat taste. To eat it, you have to peel the skin from the top but be careful with the scaly skin. After that u eat it without the seed. U could try it. This fruit need a long time before harvest like 3 years until 4 years.
there are some university at here like universitas gajah mada, universitas negeri Yogyakarta, and universitas pambangunan nasional veteran Yogyakarta. And that's all are same best university of Indonesia.

Yogyakarta in general
well ladies and gentlemen for a while we will arrive at daerah istimewa Yogyakarta that is one province of Indonesia. Anniversary of daerah istimewa Yogyakarta on march 4th on 1950 so now 71 years. This province located at the south of java island. The capital city of daerah istimewa Yogyakarta is Yogyakarta city. This area have 3.185 square kilometers large with 1 city and 4 district. With more than 3.800.000 life. Have 6 religion, the majority is islam with 92% and another is Kristen protestan, katolik, hindu, budha and kong hu chu. Majority tribes at here is Javanese with java language but still Indonesia languages being the official languages. Before freedom of Indonesia daerah istimewa Yogyakarta is combine of daerah kesultanan Yogyakarta and daerah pakualam.
attractiveness of this province are research, educational and tourism.
famous tourism object at here are candi Borobudur is buddhis temple, candi prambanan is hindu, and malioboro street that we go there right now.

well ladies and gentlement for a while we will arrive at malioboro street. At Yogyakarta have 3 street are margo utomo street, malioboro street, and margo mulyo street. And we will go to malioboro street. Malioboro street famous with street vendors that selling handicraft merchant of Yogyakarta and selling traditional food of Yogyakarta like gudeg. Gudeg is traditional food from Yogyakarta made from young jackfruit cooked with milk coconut. Need a long time to make gudeg. This traditional food have a chocolate color from jati leaves that cooked in the same time. Gudeg usually eat with hot rice with areh or thick milk coconut soup, village chicken, egg, tempe, tofu, and sambal goring krecek. Its so delicious and also have a cheap price.
there is some varian od gudeg are :
first, dry gudeg, that is gudeg serve with thick areh. Second, wet gudeg, that is gudeg serve with watery areh, and the last is gudeg solo, that is gudeg serve with areh but have white colour. You have to try it at malioboro.
and malioboro street famous with a place for gathering of artist of Yogyakarta that usually show their talent like playing music, painting, happening art, pantomime, etc as long at this street.
maliboro street have a important role for fighting freedom of Indonesia. Because at the souths side of malioboro street being the place of fierce battle among homeland fighter and nedherland colonial that will take Yogyakarta. And that battle known as serangan umum 1 maret 1949 that is pasukan merah putih success take Yogyakarta for 6 hours and showing the world that the Indonesian army is still there.
before 1980 this is 2 direction street but now being 1 direction.

Well ladies and gentlemen, when we arrive at malioboro street you have to get together against it depends of mr. lino as your tour leader. And at malioboro street ypu have a free program that means u could do anything you want but it being personal cost that exclude at this tour. And at here you can dinner and also personal cost that exclude at this tour. If u have something u can call mr. lino or me, eka as your tour leader. But u have to get together againt at the bust before we go to hotel.

Okay ledies and gentlemen, thanks for you information, im so glad to be your guide, becau u know? U are the best tourist that I ever guide before... so I say thank you wih my self eka, trisakti tour and ravel, pak tri and pak otoy. Thankyou very much see you.

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