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Trisakti Institute of Tourism D4 Tourism Industry 2019



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Memandu dari Cibubur sampai Bogor

27 Februari 2021   20:11 Diperbarui: 27 Februari 2021   20:14 140
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Hallo,nama saya Eka Indah Yuliani biasa dipanggil Eka, saya adalah mahasiswa STP Trisakti yang beruntung mendapatkan beasiswa unggulan kemendikbud tahun 2019.

Di kesempatan kali ini saya ingin mengajak teman-teman sekalian untuk belajar bagaimana memandu dengan menggunakan Bahasa inggris dari Cibubur sampai Bogor

Hello mic hello mic, do u hear my voice clearly?

Good morning ladies and gentlemen? Do you still exited for our tour today? There is a word do not know do not love, so let me introduce my self first. My name is eka indah Yuliani, u can call me eka and I you guide for today as long u at here. Im from trisakti tour and travel.

So ladies and gentlemen Im not alone at here, im with my team. Our driver is pak tri and our co driver is pak otoy. Don't worry ledies and gentlemen because they professional for tourism driver and they also have a sertificate. And this bus equipped with fire extinguisher.

so ladies and gentlement now we are at cibubur. Cibubur is one of sub district of east Jakarta. Cibubur have large 4,5 square meter. At this cibubur area there are many good and beautiful place example buperta cibubur or cibubur campground, popki sport centre cibubur, trans studio cibubur, hutan kota cibubur or cibubur city forest, and etcetera.

in Indonesia there are many place first named by word ci. Specially at west java area. Example cibubur, cimahi,cipayung,cisarua,etc. This word originated from sunda that means light. Supposedly, at west java area there is a sunda purba volcano montain with tall more than 17.000 meters below sea level. Its so tall until the sunda purba volcano mountain always have a snow and always shine the area at there becaice she springkle shine from the ice. So ladies and gentlemen, suppostedly sunda purba volcano montain area is the pace of the gods calls hyang resides as a ancestor. And also a long time ago when naming the area shows the existence of a kingdoms power.

so ladies and gentlemen iat cibubur too famous with elite residential area example raffles hills area, cluster madrid area, etc.

so ladies and gentlemen, on your left side that is popki sport centre cibubur, that is special sport centre for hand sports for asean games 2018 with large 500 square meters and able to contain 5.000 audiences. Popki is posat olahraga persahabatan korea Indonesia or in English friendship sport centre of south korea and Indonesia. This poki sport centre made for training ground of taekwondo, basket ball, volleyball, badminton, gulat, silat, and futsal.

okey ladies and gentlemen we still also at cibubur. Cibubur is a abut between Jakarta and west java. Like I told u before, cibubur including with east Jakarta not depok.

so ledies and gentlemen now we turn right but if we turn left we well see bumi perkemahan graha wisata pramuka cibubur or buperta cibubur or in English the campground and scout tour of cibubur of campground cibubur that have large 210 hectar that is biggest campground in Indonesia and many times have been a national camping start from 1973 example for penggalang or raiser that is jambore national and for enforcer that is raimuna national. For entering the buperta cibubur u have to pay 3000 for scout, 4000 for student 6000 for public 8000 for car 15000 for bus and truck and 5000 for motorcycle. And u can camping at here with rent tent start from 6 person until 30 person per tent with price start from 50.000 until 300.000 per night. At there equipped by another facilities like mosque,church, temple, and rent equipment and needing for camping. Buperta cibubur can contain until 20.000 people. Jamboree national held every 5 years but raimuna national held every 4 years with delegation by participant every city of Indonesia. This activities held by kwartir national or kwarnas or in English national quartier. Jambre national different with raimuna national. Jamboree national is from penggalang at junior high school scout with camping activities like ceremony, sport, camp fire, etc. another activities are pioonering,watchwords and gesture, first aids, maps and compass. and also activities education and art and culture. Raimuna different because for penegak at senior high school scout and pandega university scout .If raimuna hels like community cervice program for people that focused on improving mental,physical,knowledge and skills of panegak and pandega scout.

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