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PLTD Apung Monuments

13 Mei 2019   14:25 Diperbarui: 13 Mei 2019   14:35 15
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PLTD Apung is a diesel power plant ship that was previously located on Uleeheu. this ship weighs 2,600 tons and is 63 meters long and 1,900 M2 wide. When the tsunami struck Aceh on December 26, 2004, the ship was badly affected, how could it not be dragged 4-5 km from its original location on Uleeheu We cannot imagine how can a ship weighing 2,600 tons be stranded as far as that is right in the punge blang cut.

now the Pltd apung has been made a tourist spot by the Acehnese government with the aim to commemorate the tsunami victims and to attract tourists both locally and internationally every day the pltd apung are visited by tourists, therefore the government applies the time to visit the pltd apung every day the pltd apung is open at 9 am and closed at 12 noon and reopened at 2pm until 6pm

if we first enter the pltd apung we will be welcomed by the tsunami monument, this monument also explains what time the tsunami disaster occurred


because there are so many tourists who want to visit now, we can enter the pltd apung because now inside we already have a special room for tourists who want to see directly how the tsunami happened and how to deal with it, besides that the ship also has information about the ship where the ship was made and how the ship was in Uleeheu


if you visit Aceh then don't forget that you will stop at PLTD apung tour because it will give you unforgettable memories

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