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Hassan Hanafi and Muhammad Abid Al Jabiri

17 Desember 2019   00:42 Diperbarui: 17 Desember 2019   00:45 16
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Hassan Hanafi and Muhammad Abid Al Jabiri

Hassan Hanafi
Hassan Hanafi is Professor at the University of Cairo Faculty of Philosophy. He was born on February 13, 1935 in Cairo, near Salahuddin Fort, the Al-Azhar neighborhood. Hanafi's childhood was confronted with the realities of life under colonialism and the dominance of foreign influence. 

That fact aroused his patriotic attitude and nationalism, so it was not surprising that even though he was 13 years old he had registered to volunteer for war against Israel in 1948. He was rejected by Muslim Youth because he was considered to be too young.
Hassan Hanafi's Thoughts:
1. In the early 1960s Hanafi thought was influenced by the dominant ideas that developed in Egypt, namely populistic nationalistic-socialistic which was also formulated as the Pan Arabism ideology, he began to talk about the Islamic necessity to develop a progressive life perspective and the dimension of liberation (Taharrur, Liberation). It requires the function of liberation if that is what Islam wants so that it can bring society to freedom and justice, especially social justice, as its main measure.
2. At the end of this period, and continuing into the early 1970s, Hanafi also paid his main attention to finding the cause of the defeat of Muslims in the war against Israel in 1967. Therefore, his writings were more populist in nature. In the early 1970s, he wrote many articles in various mass media, such as Al Katib, Al-Adab, Al-Fikr al-Mu'ashir, and Al-Islam Mimbar. Hanafi also analyzed the causes of tension between various interest groups in Egypt, especially between the forces of radical Islam and the government.

3. The next period, namely the 1980s until the early 1990s, was motivated by political conditions that were relatively more stable than in earlier periods. In this period, Hanafi began writing Al-Turats wa al-Tajdid, which was first published in 1980. This book is a theoretical foundation that contains the basics of the idea of renewal and its steps. Then, he wrote AlYasar Al-Islamiy (Islamic Left), an article which was more of an "political manifesto" that smelled ideologically.

Muhammad Abid Al Jabiri
Muhammad Abid Al Jabiri is a lecturer in philosophy and Islamic thought at the Faculty of Literature, Muhammad V University, Rabat, Morocco. Born in Figuig, Southeast Morocco, 1936. He first entered a religious school, then a national private school (madrasa hurrah wathaniah) founded by the independence movement. 

One of Abid al-Jabiri's thoughts is about modernity, he has a big ambition to build a new epistemology that is in line with the development of today's society. He was dissatisfied with the renewal efforts undertaken by Muslim intellectuals such as the Salaf movement, which according to them they glorified past achievements and tended to neglect the social relations of the people.

Al-Jabiri called for building Arabic epistemology with three epistemologies namely Epistemology; Burhani, Bayani, and 'Irfani.
1. Bayani Epistemology
Namely the mindset that comes from texts, ijma ', ijtihad and Arabic language science. Al-Jabiri's thought is vanity either in terms of Shari'a or reason which has implications for the equations of revelation and human sciences and removes the rabbaniyah nature of Islamic sciences and considers them to be merely language.
2. Burhani Epistemology
What is meant here is that measuring whether or not something is based on human capability in the form of human experience and reason is independent of the sacred text of revelation.
The source of this epistemology is reality and empirical; social nature and humanities in the sense of science are obtained from the results of experiments, research, experiments, clan in the laboratory or real nature, both social and natural.
3. Epistemology 'Irfani
Namely by including Sufism, Shiite thought, esoteric interpretation of the Qur'an, and the orientation of the philosophy of illumination.

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