Scholarship Proposal
This is more of a financial factor problem, some students do not want to put a heavy financial burden on their parents to pay the tuition fee. That is why some students accept the scholarship even though the major is not suitable for them.
Parental Factor
It is very understandable that some parents put some hopes or dreams on their children. However, this might lead the children to also have a very heavy burden to realize their parents' hope. In Indonesia, choosing a university major based on what their parents want is very common.
If we take a look at those four factors, that contributes to students choosing the wrong major of university. We can imply that our high school student is some sort of having a lack of confidence and independence. High school students in Indonesia tend to let external factors decide who they are rather than properly understand themselves and make decisions on their own. There are a lot of students who are afraid that the major that they want in university is not a popular choice or will not provide good job opportunities once they graduate.
Based on Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System:
“Education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere
and the learning process so that students actively develop their potential
to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence,
noble character, as well as the skills needed by himself, society, nation and state”
In order to solve the problem of students choosing the wrong majors, there should be some sort of changes in Indonesia’s education system according to Law Number 20 of 2003. Changes should be oriented to produce students that understand themselves better, have confidence, and are independent. These changes can be achieved by using the theory from Ki Hadjar Dewantara which is balancing between Rasio, Rasa, and Raga.