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Improving The Students’ Speaking Skill Through The Key Words Technique

9 Februari 2015   14:02 Diperbarui: 4 April 2017   17:24 3045
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(3) Growing the teacher and another educational staff's professionalism.
(4) Improving the academic culture in the school environment to create an active

attitude in repairing the educational quality continuously.

Post Atom 3. How to do Classroom action research

The use of action research to deepen and develop classroom practice has grown into a strong tradition of practice For some there is an insistence that action research must be collaborative and entail group work. The action research process works through three basic phases :

Look -building a picture and gathering information. When evaluatingwe define and describe the problem to be investigated and the context in which it is set. We also describe what all the participants (educators, group members, managers etc.) have been doing.

Think – interpreting and explaining. When evaluating we analysis and interpret the situation. We reflect on what participants have been doing. We look at areas of success and any deficiencies, issues or problems. Reflect Consider your current classroom practice. Think about questions you have about teaching, topics you are interested in, problem areas, or aspects of teaching/learning you are unsure about. Make a list. From your list, decide what you would like to research. To help you decide, think about why you want to do it. What are the benefits to you and your learners? When you have decided, write a research question.

Act – resolving issues and problems. In evaluation we judge the worth, effectiveness, appropriateness, and outcomes of those activities. We act to formulate solutions to any problems.

From the statements above, we have to explore Reflect on your research question. Where can you find information to help you plan your research?. It may help you to discuss your question with colleagues. You may need to consult published materials or the Internet for information and ideas. Find out as much as you can about your question topic to help you plan how to do the research. Research Carry out your research using your chosen method. Some tools are :

  • Peer observation
  • Teacher diary
  • Learner feedback
  • Lesson evaluation
  • Recording lessons
  • Reflecting on learners' work
  • Surveys

Choose the method which best suits your research question. And then analyze This stage helps you to make sense of the data you have collected in your research. It is a process of reflecting on, organizing and reviewing your data to help you answer your research question. What have you found out? What insights have you gained from the research? What does your research show you?

Act Reflect on your results. Look at your teaching practice - what changes will you make? Take action based on what you found out from your research. And then , review when you have implemented changes, it is important to review. How successful were the changes? Do you need to take any follow-up action? Has your research indicated other areas you could explore? In other words, you begin a new reflective cycle.

4.Action research plans

Once you have written your research question, the next step is to plan how you will organize your research to find the answer or answers to your question. Why plan?. A good plan will save you time and help to keep you focused. A plan provides a timeframe for organizing your research and helps you to identify any resources you may need. There are different ways of collecting data - the information you collect during your research. Planning will help you to think through the direction of your research, so that you can select the most appropriate tools for collecting and analyzing your data.

Here are some focusing questions to help you develop your plan :

  • What is the purpose of my research ?
  • Why do I want to do the research ?
  • How is it going to benefit me ?
  • How is it going to benefit my learners ?
  • How is it going to benefit the school ?
  • How will it help me to make changes?
  • How much time will it take ?
  • How much time do I need ?
  • Will I be able to do it in one week ?
  • Is it better to do it over a term or even a whole school year ?
  • Who will be involved ?
  • Will I ask my colleagues to participate ?
  • Which classes will I involve ?
  • Will a whole class of students be needed, or should I make selections ?
  • Do I need to involve parents ?
  • What resources do I need ?
  • Is it easy to access any publications I need to consult ?
  • Do I need a computer ?
  • Do I need any space apart from my classroom ?
  • What is the best method for finding answers ?
  • Will you ask a colleague to observe you ?
  • Will you observe other colleagues ?
  • Will you conduct questionnaires with your learners ?
  • Will I carry out interviews ?
  • Will I keep a journal ?
  • When will the research take place ?
  • Before lessons ?
  • During lessons ?
  • After lessons ?
  • All three ?
  • How will I analyze my data ?
  • How will I record, sort, organize and understand the data I collect ?
  • Will anyone be able to assist me ?
  • What do I need to find out before collecting data ?
  • How can you develop your knowledge about your topic area to help you make your research more focused ?
  • Can your colleagues provide any insights from their experiences ?
  • Are there any books you could read which would provide you with background information ?

b.Example plans

There are no set formats for designing classroom action research plans. Some teachers like to use calendars to provide a framework for what, how and when they will do the research. Another method is to complete a grid. You can download examples of both research plans below.

How you decide to design your plan will depend on your research aims and purpose as well as on whether you prefer to work with an open, loose plan or something more formally structured. What is important is to know how much time you have available and how you will use that time to conduct your research.

c .research questions

How to do... Research questions. Starting points

Make a list of questions you have about your experiences in the classroom or topics which interest you in teaching and learning. Perhaps there have been lessons where an activity or a task didn't succeed as well as you had expected. Perhaps you are keen to find ways of engaging your learners in more speaking practice. Perhaps you would like to develop an out-of-class reading programme for your learners.
Select one question or topic and reflect :

  • Why are you interested in this topic ?
  • What do you want to change, improve or develop ?
  • What do you want to know or understand ?
  • What are your learners' needs ?
  • Write your research question

Sample questions

  • How can I promote a lifelong learning approach in my learners ?
  • How can I measure learning without formal tests ?
  • In what ways can I involve parents to help me improve my students' English language skills ?
  • How can knowing about learning styles help me to plan my lessons to help all of my students ?, become better learners

Cycle I :

1. Planning :

Competency is responding to very simple instructions to act in the context of class nor the others. The whole time of the planning is 2 x 35 minutes. The goal of learning activities , i. e ; the students are able to respond by the real action. Character building for the students those are ; Trustworthines, respect , diligence , responsibility and courage . Learning Objectives are; Students may repeat what he heard out loud and bold(courage) Students may repeat what he heard with the correct pronunciation of English with full attention ( respect and attention ).

Methode of Learning and Teaching activities are ; the students ask and answer in any related subject, the teachers and students discuss theme of the subject ( vocabularies in a dialogue. The text books reading and medias are ; Let’s Make Friends with English, by Bambang Sugeng, the sixth edition , Script and the others.

2.Acting :

The research is learning and teaching process , The whole time of the planning is 90 minutes. It is appropriate with lesson plan that has been arranged on learning scenario by the material that has been planned. In these activities, the research follows the direction that has been arranged in learning scenario. In this step, the writer gives to the students some ‘key words’ and memorize them .

Learning Activities

Steps 1. : Introduction: Apperception and Motivation.

1. Teachers show great pictures that illustrate the chapter topics discussed.

2. The teacher asked the students if they know the names of existing objects in

the picture.

Steps 2 : Core Activities & Exploration

1ExpIoration. In exploration activities, the teacher asks the students to hear

what the teacher said or heard from cassette / CD and repeat what they hear isclassical .

2.Elaboration. In the normal elaboration, the teacher asks the :student

repeat what was said or heard from cassette / CD in groups and individually with a brave (courage).Teachers notice students' English pronunciation and the correct pronunciation if there is something wrong with bold.

3.Confirmation. In confirmation of activities,the teacher asks questions about things that are not yet known. Teachers align responsibility with students asking comprehension errors, provide reinforcement and the conclusion with full attention.

Steps 3 : Concluding Activities .

In the closing activities, the teacher pointed to each student at random to mention what teachers say aloud (this activity is done quickly). The teacher asks students to repeat back at home who have been given lessons in the classroom.

4. Observing :

Here is the observation of the observer who observed the time when the writer teaches, and give advices - constructive advices.This observation is done to know the activities action by planning action that has been arranged before , and also to know how far activities action can produce of changing that is expected there is improving of students character and their motivation.

In this part the researcher observed that they had problem in their pronunciation.From observation which got, almost all students unable to answer and say truly. Even arise is each other laughing. This result, the student is less enthusiastically even class atmosphere become clamor. And their equip the answer showed that they had a few self confidence.The result of average from the students in the first cycle, the competentionfrom the method doesn’t work properly well.

5. Reflecting :

Basedon data analysis value and conclusion , the researcher and their friends as observers are doing the reflection to do evaluation of learning. Then the result of the evaluation value and reflection are discussed .

From the observations, it can be reviewed, that there are things that are positive and negative. The positive term, the students have the courage to declare something with new vocabularies.. The negative term is, related to limitations of vocabularies, because the entire vocabularies are only given by the teacher, thus limiting the numbers of defined vocabularies.

They had problems in badpronunciation and have not enough encourages to speak loudly. Condition of class rather less in control, probably because new situation and they deal with instructor which less familiar, so that of front students still for expression their selves in the form of communications. The material would be equippedthat had simple thing that contents the easy dialogue.

After the researcher did the research, she finds that :

1.The students were afraid to speak aloud because they didn’t know how to pronounce the words.

2.They were motivated by the researcher that they had to pronounce and intonationcorrectly because if they were wrong in pronunciationthey will get the wrong meaning of the conversation

3.The students had not fun felling because the class condition is not condusive.

4.They couldn’t equip in the correct sentence.

So, how with teaching process hereinafter ? What have to be altered and added in process of teaching so that student can increase the ability in conversing English? Is that some weakness on technique of teaching, teaching matter that too difficult to be received or linguistic in submitting not accurate matter? This thing will be evaluated at cycle two

Cycle II:

In the cycle II, Learning implementation plan. ( Theme: Vocabularies /advanced ). The writer makes planning appropriate with data value that is got by observer in the cycle I doing action to cycle II, the whole time is 2 x 45 minutes. Planning action that will be done by some key words to understand vocabularies in daily activities.The Competency standards and Basic competencies are; Understanding the very simple instructions to act in the context of class in daily activities andresponding to the new vocabularies by repeating words aloud.

Methode of Learning and Teaching activities are ; the students ask and answer in any related subject, the teachers and students discuuss theme of the subject ( vocabularies in a dialogue. The text books reading and medias are ; Let’s Make Friends with English, by Bambang Sugeng, the sixth edition , Script and the others.

1. Planning :

This level of planning is doneby :

·Making the plan of learning and learning scenario to do the cycle I. The planning action that will be done is managing the key words.

·Making observation instrument action to collect the data research and also preparing observation sheet.

·Doing socialization with friends as a observer.

·Giving observer sheet and observation to friends

2.Acting :

The research is learning and teaching process , The whole time of the planning is 90 minutes. It is appropriate with lesson plan that has been arranged on learning scenario by the material that has been planned. In this activity the research follows the direction that has been arranged in learning scenario. In this step, the writer gives to the students some ‘key words’ and memorize them .

Learning Activities

Steps 1. : Introduction: Apperception and Motivation.

1. Teachers show great pictures and ‘ some keywords ‘ that illustrate the

topics are discussed.

2. The teacher asked the students if they know the names of existing objects in

the picture.

3.Teacher asks students to memorize these words and use them in daily


Steps 2 : Core Activities & Exploration

1. Exploration. In exploration activities, the teacher asks the students to hear

what the teacher said or heard from cassette / CD and repeat what they hear isclassical .

2.Elaboration . In the normal elaboration, the teacher asks the :student repeat

what was said or heard from cassette / CD in groups and individually with a brave (courage).Teachers notice students' English pronunciation and the correct pronunciation if there is something wrong with bold.

3.Confirmation.In confirmation of activities,the teacher asks questions about things that are not yet known. Teachers align responsibility with students asking comprehension errors, provide reinforcement and the conclusion with full attention.

Steps 3 : Concluding Activities .

In the closing activities, the teacher pointed to each student at random to mention what teachers say aloud (this activity is done quickly). The teacher asks students to repeat back at home who have been given lessons in the classroom.

3. Observing :

During the activities, the researcher observes students ’s activities at the class, find the groups who can answer the questions well or get the best score. Beside that , she also finds a group who can not answer the questions. Then the collaborator or English teacher observers the researcher activities in teaching speaking through key words technique and gives suggestion to the researcher about the matters during watching learning process.

4. Reflecting :

Based on the observing in cycle I, the courage in answer the question and fluency in answer the question get score 65 – 80.It means that the students have not difficulty in follow teaching learning process by using key words technique . But, in the other side, there are many students are pleased and more creative although there are 30 % who have got difficulty in understanding about the materials tha have been discussedand 30 % who necessary the motivator which can support the students to be more competent . It is like a presentfor the best group . The students get the mean score 68. It means there are increasing 80 % from the cycle 1.That case shows to continue in the cycle 3.

Cycle III :

In the cycle 3 , the researcher is learning and teaching process , The whole time of the planning is 2 x 45 minutes. In the cycle III, the writer makes planning appropriate with data value that is got by observer in the cycle I doing action to cycle II. Planning action that will be done by some key words to understand vocabularies in daily activities. The Competency standards is understanding the very simple instructions to act in the context of class in daily activities and basic competency is responding to the new vocabularies by repeating words aloud in a short dialogue . The Learning Objectives are ; Students may repeat what he heard out loud and bold , (courage) Students may repeat what he heard with the correct pronunciation of English with full attention ( respect and attention )

Methode of Learning and Teaching activities are ; the students ask and answer in any related the subject, the teachers and students discuuss theme of the subject ( vocabularies in a dialogue. The text books reading and medias are ; Let’s Make Friends with English, by Bambang Sugeng, the sixth edition , Script and the others.

1. Planning :

This level of planning is doneby :

a.Making the plan of learning and learning scenario to do the cycle I. The planning action that will be done is managing the key words.

b.Making observation instrument action to collect the data research and also preparing observation sheet.

c.Doing socialization with friends as a observer.

d.Giving observer sheet and observation to friends

2.Acting :

The research is learning and teaching process ( 90 minutes ) , it is appropriate with lesson plan that has been arranged on learning scenario by the material that has been planned. In this activity the research follows the direction that has been arranged in learning scenario. In this step, the writer gives to the students some ‘key words’ and memorize them and use them in a short dialogue.

Learning Activities

Steps 1. : Introduction: Apperception and Motivation.

1. Teachers show great pictures and ‘ some keywords ‘ that illustrate the

chapter topics are discussed, in a short dialogue.

2. The teacher asked the students if they know the names of existing objects in

the picture.

3.Teacher asks students to memorize these words and use them in daily


4.Teacher asks students to make a short dialogue through ‘ the key words ‘

in their vocabularies.

Steps 2 : Core Activities & Exploration

1. Exploration. In exploration activities, the teacher asks the studentsto hear what the teacher said or heard from cassette / CD and repeat what they hear in the class.

2. Elaboration. In the normal elaboration, the teacher asks the :student repeat what was said or heard from cassette / CD in groups and individually with a brave (courage).Teachers notice students' English pronunciation and the correct pronunciation if there is something wrong with bold.

3.Confirmation . In confirmation of activities,the teacher asks questions about things that are not yet known. Teachers align responsibility with students asking comprehension errors, provide reinforcement and the conclusion with full attention.

Steps 3 : Concluding Activities .

In the closing activities, the teacher pointed to each student at random to mention what teachers say aloud (this activities is done quickly in a couple ). The teacher asks students to repeat back at home who have been given lessons in the classroom.

3. Observing :

collaboration, here is the observation of the civil teacher ( Guru Pamong ) who observed the time when the writer teaches, and give advices - constructive advices.

This observation is done to know the activity action by planning action that has been arranged before , and also to know how far activity action can produce of changing that is expected there is improving of students character and their motivation .

4. Reflecting :

Based on data analysis value and conclusion , the researcher and their friends as a observer are doing the reflection to do evaluation of learning. Then the result of the evaluation value and reflection are discussed . from the observations, can be reviewed, that there are things that are positive and negative.. In the cycleIII , has been improving , because the students is better than before in understanding ‘ the vocabularies ‘, because the word is used in daily activities, in a short dialogue.

from the observations, can be reviewed, that there are things that are positive and negative. The term positive, the students have the courage to declare something with a new vocabularies.. The terms negative is, related to limitations of vocabularies, because the entire vocabularies is only given by the teacher, thus limiting the numbers of defined vocabularies.

They had problems in badpronunciation and have not enough encourages to speak loudly. Even in intonation even also of students, many doing mistake. Condition of class rather less in control, probably because new situation and they deal with instructor which less familiar, so that of front students still for expression their selves in the form of communications. The material would be equiped that had simple thing that contents the easy dialogue.

After the researcher did the research, she finds that:

1.The students were afraid to speak aloud because they didn’t know how to pronounce the words.

2.They were motivated by the researcher that they had to pronounce and intonationcorrectly because if they were wrong in pronunciationthey will get the wrong meaning of the conversation

3.The students had not fun felling because the class condition is not condusive.

4.They couldn’t equip in the correct sentence.

So how with teaching process hereinafter? What have to be altered and added in process of teaching so that student can increase the ability in conversing English?

Is that some weakness on technique of teaching, teaching matter that too difficult to be received or linguistic in submitting not accurate matter?

This thing will be evaluated at cycle of two

C. Discussion

Speaking activity is one of important aspects of language. Speaking requires students’ knowledge about grammar and other language aspects. Each technique has advantages and disadvantages of learning . Technicaladvantages of group work is the students can complete task given by the teacher together. Thus will alleviate the difficulties faced by students in doing their jobs. Group learning technique contributed significantly to improving students speaking skills. Based on the description can be explained that the students can improve their speaking skill by key words technique. It can be concluded that key words technique can improve students’ speaking skill See the chart below.


Speaking activities in learner’s community in Indonesia are still minus. The learners would prefer reading and writing to speaking and listening. Normally, the learners use their spare time for speaking. Teaching speaking must use techniques in order to increase the speaking ability. The purposes of the study are to describe the techniques used by the teacher in teaching speaking to their students.

Using Key Words technique .depending on the variety of visual resources and class level and ability, a teacher can brainstorm the class a variety of sentences.Teaching keyword technique is important for speech classes. It is valuable for teaching essay writing too. However, teaching the concept of keyword is sometimes difficult. In practicing key word technique, the students find various difficulties, for example; using correct intonation while they are speaking because the students have some common problems that usually occurred from three aspects ; linguistic, psychological, and cognitive.


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A.Y., Wang ,Key Word and Retention of Second-Language Vocabulary Words :

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Brown, Douglas, Teaching by Principles : An Interactive Approach to Language

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C. Y.Richard, Study Skill for Students of English as Second Language.

New York: McGraw Hill, 1970

Don Bryne, Teaching Writing Skills, London: Longman Group , 1996

Fatra , Maifalinda, Abd. Razak . Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ( Bahan Ajar PLPG ).

Jakarta : Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah


Gould, Eric, et al. The Act of Writing, New York:, McGraw-Hill, 1998 20 Juli 2010

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