Drajad Hari Suseno, born in Surakarta on 17 June 1965, is highly motivated person who has a wide range of experience in the field of public relations, communications, marketing, social-politics, and governmental policies, etc. He has good relationship to national level media as his class-mates are at good positions in the media. His overseas journey has resulted his wide-world overview as well as mutual network. He also has strong leadership in the field of revitalizing small and medium enterprises, been involved in developing Sragen Regency in order to enhance many rewards at national level. He is now working as Junior Experts at Bogor Ring Road, a toll road operated by PT Marga Sarana Jabar, a joint venture which 55% of its share is owned by a state owned company PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk. and 45% is owned by PT Jasa Sarana a provincial owned company.
Bergabung 23 Maret 2011
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Wahyu Ilham
Ingin Masyarakat Indonesia Beli Barang Yang di Produksi di Dalam Negeri Agar Indonesia Tercipta Jutaan Lapangan Kerja.Bisakah Kita Bersatu ?
Mohammad Masad Masrur
Pernah kuliah di Fakultas Teknik, tetapi beraktifitas di Organisasi Ekstrakampus dan Wartawan Kampus. Setelah menyelesaikan S-2 Ilmu Politik di FISIP Universitas Indonesia, kini belajar lagi Ilmu Komunikasi di Universitas Sahid Jakarta. Kompasiana diperlukan untuk melepaskan beban pikiran, karena hanya dengan menulis beban itu akan berkurang.
Amrina Salmah
Menulis itu bukan mengajari apalagi menggurui, menulis itu berbagi dan ladang introspeksi diri. Save Our Writing\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
Rasman Maulana
I am a person who like to think. Having a crittical thinking is the sexiest thing in everyone. So, I'll always want to be sexy by trying to have a critical thinking in every single thing I met.