Dion Ginanto received his undergraduate degree in TESOL (Teaching English as a Second Language) from Jambi University. He was awarded “MAWAPRESNAS” (the best student award by the Ministry of Education and Culture) in 2006. He was also an AIYEP-er 2007/2008 (Australia Indonesia Youth Exchange Program). In 2009, he joined to the short course training of the KAPLAN TKT program in New Zealand. Currently, he is doing his master at Michigan State University (MA, K-12 Educational Administration). He has published his first book entitled: “Jadi Pendidik Kreatif dan Inspiratif: Cara Mengobati 10 Penyakit Profesional. He works at SMA N 1 Batanghari, Jambi, as a teacher. He also teaches at Islamic State University Jambi, and IAIN Batanghari Jambi.
Bergabung 17 Februari 2013
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