Gak pernah makan sekolahan tinggi jadinye suka banyak tanya karena bego dan suka ngomong seadenye karena bodo. Ane juga bukan Penulis kalo mo disebut penCurhat boleh aje, jadi mohon dimaaf kalo "tulisan"nye kaye orang ngobrol di warung kopi, so maklumin aje ye yang jelas ane Humoris dan doyan banget dengerin musik, itu aje deh ... !
If you put your whole trust in Allah, as you ought, He most certainly will satisfy your needs, as He satisfies those of the birds. They come out hungry in the morning, but return full to their nests. (Hadits of Prophet saw by Tirmidzi). Everyone is in the world as a guest, and his money is but a loan. The guest must go sooner or later and the loan must be returned.(Ibn Mas`ud).
A wife, mommy of 2 boys, working mom also as a blogger
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