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Dina Amalia
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Mahasiswa UNTAG Surabaya




Prevention of Covid-19 in Londo Village

1 September 2020   16:56 Diperbarui: 1 September 2020   16:58 26
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When a pandemic like this occurs, residents are asked to always be at home and not travel if there is nothing urgent, they are also asked to always keep their distance from other people. The Red and White Campus of the 17 August 1945 University (UNTAG) Surabaya held a Real Work Lecture (KKN) activity independently in each village with the theme "Tough Village".  

Mayangan Subdistrict consists of 4 territorial boundaries, the north and the west are Mangunharjo Village, the south is Kebonsari Kulon Village, the east is Probolinggo Regency. The area that is my goal in this Cultural Social Determination is in the section of Mangunharjo Village, Mayangan District, Probolinggo City and more specifically in the local RT 007 / RW 008. Socio-Cultural Mapping Before and When Covid-19 Takes Place. With the social culture that the community has, it can help maintain and prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus. The data I got was through an individual approach to residents in RT 007 / RW 008 from young to old.

The socio-culture that every citizen applies includes the existence of PKK Mothers with their routine activities such as recitation, social gathering and savings and loans like cooperatives. The residents' opinion stated that the residents of RT 007 / RW 008 are an area that has residents who are compact in caring for and protecting their respective environments. 

However, it cannot be separated from unpleasant things. As for the attitude of residents who have a jealous character in regards to the distribution of basic foodstuffs, according to Pak Rt 007 / Rw 008, it is said that citizens have a character of social jealousy. As for the attitude of residents who are considered capable, they are jealous of underprivileged people who get basic food. 

Not only about the social jealousy faced by residents, there are also other problems in the form of inadequate education for children in RT 007 / RW 008, in the sense that during a pandemic like this, children only rely on learning from assignments given by schools without any guidance, so that Lots of residents, including parents, have difficulty teaching education that school teachers should do. From the various kinds of data that I got from residents around the RT / RW, there are several other problems that occur in the community that make the surrounding community anxious. 

With the current condition, the Covid-19 virus can attack human health and immunity. The problems that often occur today are an obstacle to the progress of its citizens. Coupled with the implementation of this activity carried out in the month of Indonesian Independence, citizens must negate the agenda that had been planned to commemorate the 75th Indonesian Independence Day. 

Even so, residents remain enthusiastic in carrying out tasyakuran to commemorate the Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia right on the night before the Indonesian Independence Day. 

With the various problems that have begun to emerge among residents around RT 007 / RW 008, I wish to analyze the Socio-culture around the residents and at the same time help residents to overcome various problems faced by the distribution of basic necessities aimed only at the elderly, providing tutoring for the children of residents, and the creation of a Creative Village in the form of making road signs containing paintings and writing in the form of contests to residents.
Although currently residents are not allowed to leave the house if there is no urgent matter, residents still have to maintain a clean environment, because environmental cleanliness will also affect their health. So there needs to be an action, one of the Surabaya UNTAG students carried out KKN activities in the Probolinggo area, to be precise in Londo Village RT 007 / RW 008 Kel Mangunharjo, Mayangan District, Probolinggo City, East Java. 

Dina Amalia as an UNTAG student who lives in the City of Probolinggo and a participant of the Surabaya UNTAG KKN helped to make a street board containing paintings and writing appeals for residents. The writings of the appeal can be seen directly through pictures.

The purpose of making this road board is so that residents can maintain a clean environment and be able to understand what limitations residents need to apply, so that occupant health is maintained and controlled in a healthy environment and healthy living.

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