Mohon tunggu...
Dina Rachmayati
Dina Rachmayati Mohon Tunggu... pegawai negeri -

Aku suka sekali menulis dan membaca. Aku juga suka mengamati kehidupan di sekitarku, suka berdiskusi, dan senang jika bisa memberi manfaat ke orang lain.




Used Other Language if There is No Chance to Use Bahasa

26 Mei 2011   07:05 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   05:12 49
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Sometimes we cannot hide our feeling, especially for those who has extrovert character.. Sometimes we need to expose what we cannot resist the push around us.. I was a typical person like this, i cannot say yes if my feeling say no.. I can feel better if i can say what i felt, i could feel comfortable if i can wrote all my experience and what i think.. So, sometimes i used facebook, if there is no chance for me to shout out my opinion..
But I have a bad experience in using facebook. Last month i share my feeling vulgarly in the facebook, and oh My GoD.. my senior in my office know  if who i meant in that status is her... And then, i get scolded.. hmm.. she is so angry that i cannot imagine, she say if i was make her name bad, etc.

Fortunately, there is no punishment for me.. :)
Now, I still become and extrovert person but, if i want to say something in social media such as facebook, i choose another language, like bahasa daerah, France, or English. Thanks GOD there is a limited person that give up in English, thanks GOD for Google translate that can give me a lot of languages in just one click. :)

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