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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

The Crisis of Global Warming

6 Desember 2023   17:46 Diperbarui: 6 Desember 2023   17:47 35
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Everyday that goes by, our global warming problem gets worse and worse. You may be asking for those of you who don't know what is global warming? Global warming is the process of earth getting hotter and hotter and the main reason of the ear temperature rising is what we call global warming, one of the main causes that makes global warming worse and worse are pollution caused by factories, vehicles, burning trash etc.  In some countries with undeveloped garbage management like in some parts of indonesia with undeveloped waste management people burn the waste causing to air pollution

Effects of  bad air pollution:

  •  Unhealty for our lungs may cause diseases like asthma, lung cancer, lung developing Pneumonia. Air pollution can also make our skin age faster.
  • air pollution not only makes our body unhealthy but also have effects onn plants and other living things like trees and crops will also be effected

Air pollution is not the only problem that we have, we have also water pollution and it is as worse as air pollution, water pollution is usualy caused by toxic waste from factories and other big production places, and these toxic waste are most of the time thrown to the water in the lake, rivers and even the sea. this harms all the living things that need water very much to survive like aquamarine animals, not only will the water with the toxic waste on it spread to the water but it can also absorb to the ground causing some plants around it to be infected by the toxic waste.

Some ways we can reduce global warming and stop air/water pollution:

  • We can start by stopping the little things first like trying to reduce people from burning trash, even if its the goverment that needs to have better waste management, but we can also help stopping it, for example if we see someone near our neighborhood burning trash we can remind them by explaining the causes of burning waste. Something that is easier to do in our daily lives is simply by throwing trash at the right place, this will reduce people from burning trash and also reducing air pollution.
  • Another cause of global warming that we can easily reduce is using tote bags or recycable plastic bags whenever we go shopping or doinng other activities that usually we use plastic bags, recycable plastic bags may seem like a small thing but if the majority of people can start using recyable bags it can reduce our global warming problem. Recycable bags are easy to find and purchase we can buy it online or even buy it at a supermarket, this will reduce the problem where all the trash from the city is collected in one place and piles up and stays there forever.
  • Cars annd other vehicles are also another main cause to reduce global warming, we can use public transportation not only can it carry more people but also we can reduce the cost of gasolinne and not only reduce pollutionn but also save our limited fossil fuel.
  • The easiest thing we can do to stop water pollution is by not throwing trash to the ocean, rivers and the lakes.

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