Seperti biasa pagi-pagi sudah mengirim pesan dan menanyakan aktivitas hari ini kepada Budi "Have a good morning. I exercise out this morning and was getting ready to go to my teacher. What are you planning on doing today?". Dia bercerita akan menemui dosennya.
Budi menjawab "Good morning today I have activity teacher education assistance" karena ada kegiatan Pendampingan Guru Penggerak di sekolahnya. Kim pun membalas "I'm going to go out now. We'll talk when I get home in the afternoon".
Budi pun membalas dengan ucapan "Be careful on the way". Kim pun membalas pesan Budi dengan mengatakan "In the afternoon we can talk calmly". Budi pun menjawab singkat Ok. Lalu Kim pun mengirim pesan "See you in the afternoon". Dan Budi pun membalas "See you".
Sore harinya Kim langsung mengirim pesan mengabarkan bahwa dirinya sudah berada di rumah "Have a nice afternoon. I have arrived at home now. I met my teacher. what are you doing right now?". Karena ketiduran Budi baru membalas beberapa jam berikutnya dengan membalas pesan "Good afternoon sorry I rest and take a nap".
Kim lalu mengatakan "I am resting at home. Today very happy because i meet my teacher". Â Dan Budi pun membalasnya "I'm happy to hear it". Kim lalu menceritakan kegiatan hari itu "I met my mentor (Soyoung Kim - a well-known Korean economist and top financial expert) when I was in college" He taught me a lot, and I also learned a lot from him.". Budi pun membalas "about anything can you tell me?".
Budi pun langsung browsing di Internet nama tersebut dan ketemulah gambarnya seseorang yang dimaksud. Kim menceritakan sedikit tentang mentor dan dosennya tersebut "Dr. Soyoung Kim is Professor at Department of Economics, Seoul National University. He received his PhD in economics from Yale University.He is the editor-in-chief of the Seoul Economic and Asian Economic Journal, and the deputy editor-in-chief of the Macroeconomics and Asia-Pacific Financial Research magazines". Budi langsung mengirim pesan gambar kepada Kim tentan Soyoung Kim.
Lalu kim pun menjawab "Yeah! this is my mentor.I am very lucky to have met my teacher. Did you ever have a teacher who taught you?". Â Budi pun menjawab tetapi agak sedikit tidak nyambung "Yes I ever with teacher in senior high school, There are always look young".
Lalu Kim pun bercerita bahwa maksudnya guru yang telah mengubah hidup kamu dengan membalas "I mean the teacher who changed your life.My teacher is very good, He taught me a lot about investing in cryptocurrency and Bitcoin. I am not as good as my teacher.My company would be unthinkable without my mentor's guidance during the COVID era".
Karena Budi belum menggunakan Crypto dan Bitcoin maka dia menjawab "I haven't used crypto and bitcoin yet". Kim pun membalas "you know 90% of Korean doing investment as a side business to get extra recent years, Cryptocurrency trading is more and more popular among all investments. you should try to learn some knowledge about it".
Mendengar hal tersebut Budi kaget karena pengguna Crypto dan Bitcoin di Indonesia belum sebanyak di Korea. Tapi rupanya Budi belum yakin dan tertarik dengan hal tersebut lalu dia membalas "I'm not sure yet and the price is very fluctuating".