Percakapan mulai beralih ke WhatsApp dengan memperkenalkan diri :
"Hello, I am Kim Ha Yoon from Instagram name ladyblue".
Lalu Budi pun membalas  "Hello my name Budi".Â
Kim pun membalas bahwa dia yang mengirim DM di Instagram dengan menulis "I have sent you a message on Instagram. Have a happy holiday!".
Budi pun menjawab "thank you"
Sepertinya Kim sangat sibuk dengan pekerjaannya lalu dia membalas dengan kata-kata "I didn't get in touch right away because I was busy. I would like to learn about your country in your spare time".
Lalu Budipun mencari jawaban melalui Wikipedia :
"Indonesia, officially known as the Republic of Indonesia, is a country located in Southeast Asia. It is an archipelago comprising more than 17,000 islands, with Java, Sumatra, Borneo (Kalimantan), Sulawesi, and Papua being the largest and most populous islands. Indonesia is the world's largest island country and the fourth most populous nation, with over 270 million people.
The capital city of Indonesia is Jakarta, which is situated on the island of Java. The country has a diverse cultural heritage, with over 300 ethnic groups and more than 700 languages spoken. Â I stay in Indramayu West Java, with the natural beauty of its beaches".
Lalu Budi bertanya "where do you live in Korea?". Kim pun menjawab  "My parents live in an old house in Seoul where I lived when I was young. I live in a house in Gangnam. I have a maid. I have reserved a room for her".