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First Steps Towards Hope - Part 7

21 Agustus 2024   18:30 Diperbarui: 21 Agustus 2024   18:30 240
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The conversation with her mother gave Lina a huge boost. Although the process of fully opening up and feeling comfortable with her family would take time, she felt more supported after talking to her mother. However, Lina also knew that support from her entire family was essential.

Lina decided to talk to her younger brother, Arman, who was known as a cheerful and easygoing person. Lina felt that Arman might have a better understanding from an emotional and psychological perspective due to his empathetic personality. Arman had always been someone she could rely on for emotional support, and Lina hoped he could offer a lighter perspective in this process.

One evening, Lina invited Arman over for dinner at her house. During dinner, Lina tried to bring up the issue in a casual manner. "Arman, there's something I want to tell you. I'm undergoing therapy to help manage my feelings."

Arman paused his meal and looked at Lina seriously. "Oh, I didn't know you were going through this. Why didn't you tell me from the beginning?"

Lina explained how she had been feeling stressed and anxious and how therapy was helping, but she also found it difficult to share because she was afraid of being seen as not strong enough. Arman listened attentively, then offered his full support.

"You know, Sis, there's nothing wrong with seeking help when you need it. I think it's very brave of you to seek therapy and work on improving yourself. If you need someone to talk to or just to listen to, I'm always here."

Arman's words gave Lina an additional boost. She felt more comfortable sharing with her family, and she saw that their support was genuinely sincere. Although this process still felt challenging, the support from her mother and Arman helped Lina feel more confident in continuing therapy and her recovery efforts.

Lina also decided to talk to her father, Mr. Ahmad, who was a quieter and less expressive figure compared to her mother. She knew that her father might not say much, but she felt it was important to involve all family members in this process.

One afternoon, Lina visited her parents at their home. After some casual conversation, Lina said, "Dad, I want to tell you about something I'm going through. I'm seeing a psychologist and undergoing therapy to help manage my feelings."

Mr. Ahmad looked at Lina attentively, though he didn't say much. After a moment, he said, "We always support you, Lina. Keep going, and don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it."

Although her father's response was brief, Lina felt that she had received the necessary support. Mr. Ahmad showed a supportive and understanding attitude, even if it was in a quieter way.

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