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Dhian Endranu Isman
Dhian Endranu Isman Mohon Tunggu... -

ESENSI CINTA; Gerak perlu enerji. sabar-syukur-ikhlas>>>pasrah berserah diri (total surrender/tawakal),hasilkan enerji bagi manusia, hasilkan "gerak" cahaya yang menuju CAHAYA ridhoNYA. Itulah jln yg lurus, dlm KEHENDAK sang maha berKEHENDAK dengan GERAK Maha CintaNYA. Faham ini, maka 'maunya diri' tune in dgn "KEHENDAK DIRI".




Humanity in the Light of Civilization

23 November 2009   11:08 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   19:13 155
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Why the people which had been promised by God to glory, should be caught only by a few who are prone to anxiety and worry, that "over-reactive" and not proportional in the narrow handle things just because they feel most understood and have authority! The most important thing is to present a more compassionate character, wise and prudent. That's the glory of humanity in the light of civilization.

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