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"Preventive Measures Against High Level of Urbanization"

7 Juli 2018   11:30 Diperbarui: 7 Juli 2018   11:54 461
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The conclusion of the essay  is to reduce the high rate of urbanization, the central government and local government must be able to see and develop the potential that exist in the village that may be less developed, Potentials in the village that can be developed are agriculture, home industry, natural tourism sector and community craft.

 If the government cooperates with the village community so that it can develop all the potentials in the village into one source of village income, it is certain that many villagers get a job from the development of their village and do not choose to go to the city that will reduce the high rate of migration of villagers causing urbanization.

 In addition, the role of BUMDes is also very important to reduce the existing urbanization because BUMDes will accommodate all activities of increasing the income of the community. Therefore, the Government should improve the potential development in the village and improve the management of BUMDes in order to improve welfare of the society.

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