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dewi andriyani
dewi andriyani Mohon Tunggu... Administrasi - my self

An employee and a mother



Ilmu Sosbud

My Daily Activities During The Pandemin

1 Januari 2022   21:51 Diperbarui: 1 Januari 2022   21:57 572
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

I never imagined before that there would be an epidemic that had an impact on every side of our lives. Social interaction is mostly done virtually. This pandemic has given rise to new habits that leapfrog what we normally do. Many things that we used to freely do, now we can no longer do.

The pandemic has made us spend more time at home. We are forced by circumstances that sometimes make us feel bored, and also afraid.

Before the coronavirus entered Indonesia I usually go to the office at 8 A.M and I go home at 6 P.M. I work from Monday to Friday and rarely have time for the family except on holidays but during the pandemic I am mostly at home, which sometimes makes me bored and stressed but also makes me feel happy because I can spend a lot of time with my family especially with my son is only three years old. My activities during the pandemic are usually getting up, making breakfast, and opening my laptop because during the pandemic I work from home and study from home. This pandemic has made me spend a lot of time at home because we all work and study at home, we cannot meet with friends, and have to social distance and wear masks. The COVID-19 pandemic has not only affected my health but also affected my economic condition of July 2021 I tested positive for Covid 19. the symptoms I felt at that time were I had a high fever and the senses of smell and taste were lost. I had to self-isolate and couldn't gather with my family, especially my child. after two weeks I was declared negative from Covid 19. The economic impact I felt was when the salary I usually received was full during the pandemic, it was only around 50%. Hopefully, this Covid 19 will pass soon so we can do activities outside the home again.

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