He was a quiet but humorous sometimes like weird especially when he felt good again. But if he felt bad again, yes that's how, Actually do not want to bother anyone else. But because it is often troubling himself would sometimes difficult to others. Prefer to be alone, quiet, eat, and listen to good music, want to do good for others but the person does not need to know from whom.
Lahir di Ponorogo. Doyan makan, pecinta kopi, hobi jalan-jalan dan ngobrol bareng. Lebih suka menjadi pendengar yang baik.\r\n\r\nMampir juga ke sini ya, kita berbagi tentang BMI\r\nhttp://buruhmigran.or.id/\r\ndan di sini juga ya \r\nwww.feranuraini.com
Saya seorang mahasiswa S3 dalam jurusan Psikologi Klinis di University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee. Saat ini saya juga sedang menyelesaikan internship saya sebagai Clinical Psychology Resident di Brown University. Bidang spesialisasi yang sedang saya pelajari adalah depresi dan Behavior Therapy.