...lahir di Tasikmalaya, jawa Barat..sekarang sedang "BERKELANA" di Tangerang...
untuk "matang dalam berfikir, bijak dalam bertindak, adil dalam bersikap, amanah dalam melangkah"
"Tidak penting SIAPA yg menulis, yg penting APA yg ditulis" (Ragile 2009). Pendiri #PlanetKenthir. Pro #Gusdurian. Lahir: 1960. Kuliah Sastra Inggris. Gawe Software Komputer ; Keuangan. Nama: Agil Abdullah Albatati (Engkong Ragile). FB: Agil Abd Albatati. Twitter: @KongRagile. Alamat: Kemang Jakarta Selatan
President of the World Marketing Association since 2002 and well renowned for his New Wave Marketing concept, Hermawan Kartajaya has been appointed as the "50 Gurus Who Have Shaped The Future of Marketing" by the Chartered Institute of Marketing, United Kingdom (CIM-UK,2003). He is the first Indonesian to enter the international league in marketing with his own models, including the legendary Sustainable Market-ing Enterprise model , and received an acknowledgment from Prof. Philip Kotler, the world's guru of marketing. He is also the President of Markplus Inc, the Asia-based management marketing firm that he founded in 1989, and is one of the few Asians who has been invited to give a speech in the American Marketing Association (AMA) Educators Conference.