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Interesting Way to Make Your Child Into The Habit of Reading

27 Oktober 2021   23:52 Diperbarui: 28 Oktober 2021   00:11 190
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Humans are visual creatures. What is seen and read repeatedly will indirectly be embedded in the mind. So try to put inspirational pictures or pictures that match the child's preferences on the walls of their room.

Using the Story Telling Technique.

Parents can insert storytelling from stories taken from books. It doesn't have to be every day, just doing it consistently and alternately. For example, at this moment is the mother, the next opportunity is the father's turn, the next opportunity is the child. At the end of the story, parents can motivate children with motivational sentences such as "that's the importance of reading, books are a storehouse of knowledge also reading is the key."

By inviting and encouraging children to tell stories, children will continue to collect story material indirectly by reading books first.

Provide a Mini Library at Home.

To further attract children's interest in reading books, parents can provide any books at home in any form. For example are comics, magazines, newspapers, storybooks, motivational books, to general knowledge books. Build a  suitable simple library and neat book arrangement. There is no need to provide a specific room; parents can take advantage of the existing space. As an example, in the corner of their family room or private room.

Finally, from this description, a conclusion can be drawn love of reading is like other hobbies that cannot arise suddenly. Love to read is not an interest that happens, but it is a process that requires time and a strategy. 

The love of reading is the result of a habit. Because reading is a physical and mental activity that can develop into habits, just like other habits, forming a reading habit also takes a long time. If the habit of reading has become entrenched in the family environment, then the next thing that needs to be Achieved is an efficient reading habit where the role of the family and school environment forms reading habits.

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