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Ruang Kelas

Why is English an Important Subject in College?

10 September 2024   20:05 Diperbarui: 10 September 2024   20:18 24
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Ruang Kelas. Sumber Ilustrasi: PAXELS

In lecture we know that what we learn in class is based on the major we take. For example if we take mathematics. Usually in the first semester we will be taught the basics of the lecture material first. and usually in the second or third semester we will get compulsory course. One of the mandatory subjects is learning English.

Not only at college, at school we are also taught to learn English. Currently, English is an international language in the world. When we have trouble while on holiday in another country, English is a language that can be understood by foreigners. Not only that, during college we will also see many outsiders coming to our campus. And one way to communicate with them is of course by speaking English

So when studying we have to listen carefully, so that we understand what our teacher is teaching. Don't, because English is not our national language, we don't want to study English seriously.

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