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"Street Fighter" Inspiration for a Mental Abuse Survivor

4 Januari 2025   00:22 Diperbarui: 4 Januari 2025   14:19 92
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Life is not always easy, since everyone have to deal with many challenges, and so does Ami Rachmat, whose personal experience of her married life led her to be a single parent, starting from a 'green room' (trial) that changed her life path. One of her most concerned issues in her mind at that time, as a mother, was a question of whether she could survive with her children without another figure as a leader.

The mental abuse experienced by her was a factor to the breakdown of her marriage. The court decision that grant her custody of her four children made her realize that despite being single she had to stay strong.

Though she was disappointed with God for not fulfilling her wish to get the best one, with whom she could have been growing old together, but her journey through numerous hardships ultimately made her completely dependent on the Almighty Creator, as she believed that along with hardship, the ease will be come.

Inspired by 'Street Fighter' of Mohsein Saleh Badegel, who was not giving up on his circumstances, but rising again from adversity, facing challenges, confronting fears, then taking his advantage of opportunities to create a more meaningful life, as well as discovering his identity and passion, Ami then realized that whatever loved by mankind might become a turning point in life.
Her spirit of life rose to face her fear and great obstacles, since she realized that every individual has his/her own potential to explore, reflect on their life journey, and gather the courage to try new things. One way to survive after going through a storm is doing exercise by walking every day, as the aging starts from the feet then to the upper body. By understanding this, she wanted to her leg muscles remain being strong.

Mental Abuse Survivor (photo: dokpri)
Mental Abuse Survivor (photo: dokpri)

Becoming a 'street fighter' or a tough warrior is not easy. It requires sincerity and a strong commitment to oneself, and discipline to continue being persistent in doing it so that it becomes a habit and routine activity.

Walking exercise became a healing journey for Ami, a survivor of mental abuse, because from the results of research and literature that she read, health experts said that the body needs endorphins, which are one type of hormone needed by the body to relieve pain naturally. Increasing endorphin hormones is also beneficial for maintaining and preserving mental health. This is what motivated her to set a goal of 10,000 steps every day for health

According to sports experts, among the signs of a long-lived person, it turns out that strong leg muscles are the most important factor, therefore, if the legs are not moved for a few weeks, the strength of the leg muscles will decrease. Therefore, it is very unfortunate when many people underestimate walking as a trivial exercise, which often conveys the length of the process of forming an ideal body.

In contrary to most popular belief, Ami surely believes that forming an ideal body is a secondary benefit. Therefore, she always maintains her health with strong leg muscles and maintains mental health as a must, because aging healthily is a gift that God does not give to all His servants, and she chooses to be a servant who receives that gift and keeps it strong, by exercising by walking. With a strong physique, the challenges of life can be more readily confronted.

*Indonesian (original) version click here

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