film, with comedy drama genre. This film is directed and written by Bene Dion rajagukguk and released on June 2'nd 2022. The story line of this film is telling us about a Bataknese family, named Pak Domu's and Mak Domu's family, who have four children, named Domu, Sarma, Gabe, and Sahat.Â
This week I went to watch Ngeri-Ngeri Sedap with my family in the cinema. Ngeri-Ngeri sedap is a family friendlyDomu, Gabe, and Sahat had long wandered from home to do their job. Then, comes a traditional event and  All of Pak Domu's children must attend that event. But, unfortunately the boys didn't want to come back home because of their bad relationship with their father, Pak Domu. In order to do that, Pak Domu's and Mak Domu's try to look for a way to get their boys to come home.Â
They finally got the way, which is they pretended to fight and wanted a divorce. Their crafty strategy succeeds in getting attention from their sons and bringing them home. But when all of the family gather, they still have a bad relationship. Until one day, all of the family try to tell what they feel and try to understand each other. And it ended happily.
Personally I think this film is really suitable for the Bataknese Family. From the atmosphere until the small things like the interior of the house represent a Bataknese Family. The way they communicate with each other, the intonation, the expression from all the cast have a contribution to describe a Bataknese Family. Besides that, how the plot controls the viewer's emotions is really good. You will feel sad,happy,laugh, amazed, and impressed by watching this.Â
The most impressive thing from Ngeri-Ngeri Sedap is the message that was brought from it. It allows us to know the culture of the Bataknese Family, like: The first child must marry a Batak person, the last son has to stay at home to take care of his parents, and Bataknese women can not be against man, especially in daughter-father relationships.
This film tells us that this kind of culture can not be used in every kind of family. Because every person, and every family has their own threat. This film also can replace the homesickness of Bataknese people who are far away from their hometown. The soundtrack which uses a Bataknese song, the iconic background scene: Toba Lake, and day to day activities make it feel like home.Â
Ngeri-Ngeri Sedap has reached one million views in only 11 days. This film is really recommended for all Bataknese people. So if you are one of them, Â I suggest you save your time and money and bring your family to the cinema to watch Ngeri-Ngeri Sedap. Â
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