Do you know Global Warming? Global warming is a stage where the earth’s temperature increases because, the earth’s atmosphere is getting thinner. Earth's atmosphere traps heat to keep the earth's temperature stable (not to cold and not to hot) When it’s thin it won’t block the sun’s radiation well. Meanwhile, if its thick it blocks the sun’s radiation. Global Warming is a long-term warming of the planet's overall temperature
      The earth’s atmosphere is getting thinner, due to the greenhouse gas effect. Greenhouse gasses (GHGs) such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, and others are gases in the atmosphere that is tasks to keep our planet at a suitable temperature for life.Â
Cause of Global Warming:
- Cutting down forestsÂ
Since forests absorb carbon dioxide, when cutting them the carbon they have been storing release. It could also cause wildlife extinction. Trees play a key role in the local water cycle by helping to keep a balance between the water on and water in the atmosphere.
- Generating power
Most electricity is produced from fossil fuel. Burning fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas, and coal causes the release of large amounts of carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide, greenhouse gas will get trap in the atmosphere, causing global warming.
- Transportation
Transportation needs fuel. When a person need to a from a place to another place the longer the distance the higher fuel consumption, then the emissions would be high. Those who drive and ride personal cars or motorcycles would produce more emissions than those who take public transportation.
Effect of Global Warming:
- Hotter temperatures
Due to human activities, it causes large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. There will be an evaporation increases that will be causing more destructive storms.
- Melting ice caps and glacier
Ice caps are melting due to the warmer air. This can cause sea level rise, excessive flooding, animal habitat loss, etc.
- Disease
Ice glaciers and icebergs hold a lot of disease. It holds various of very old viruses and bacteria such as influenza A virus, enterovirus, caliciviruses, etc. When it melts, it release the old viruses and bacteria that cause humans to get ill. Other then that, it could also be because of the drastic changes in temperature, extreme weather, air pollution, water pollution, natural disaster that causes people to get injured, and many more.
- How to prevent it?