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The Bad Effect of Woman Football to World Woman Especially In Indonesia

7 Agustus 2010   07:59 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   14:14 137
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Olahraga. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK

The woman football which is trendy right now is a potential big threat for world woman especially in Indonesia. The biologist fact mention that the probability for the woman to be infertile to give baby for her family after the frequently fallen hips is at minimum possibility. And the probability for the woman to have miscarriages is high after the fallen hips and fallen overall body at all.

And as the conclusion of this data, I respectly propose to banned woman football in Indonesia because of the dangerousness it bring for the woman to be infertile or have miscarriages. This fact have to be looked by FIFA because it will be a big potential crime for the women in earth.
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